Thanks Vic! The tail lights all work so I don’t think it’s the socket. I’ll order the new controller and post the results.
I found the C9WY-13A366-AL controller on the Barginspot Ebay site.
I was planning to stay with the incandescent bulbs because I just replaced them all with the “better” brighter bulbs.
The C9WY-13A366-AL recommends replacing the flasher and lists the DOWY-13350-AL for use with incandescent bulbs. I couldn’t find this on the site.
If I am staying with the incandescent bulbs which one should I purchase? I saw a kit that came with sequencer board and flasher but they both had “AR” suffix. The PCB looked like an earlier version.
I got admit, going with LEDS all around it tempting. It looks like if I buy the C9WY-13A366-AL, I can stay with the incandescent bulbs for now and upgrade to LED bulbs later.
In my searching, I ran a cross a page that showed all the parts you would need. I can’t find that page now… I’ll keep looking.
The D0WY-13350-L flasher link is:
Note that the LED flasher cycles about 40% faster than the standard D0WY-13A366-AR flasher. When used with 1157 bulbs, the outer bulb may not have sufficient time to turn on completely before the flasher cycles. It depends on if your charging system can maintain 12V to the trunk. LED bulbs turn on instantly, so this is not a problem.
Do not use the new “Brighter” incandescent 1157HP or 1157H bulbs in your Cougar - they can draw more than twice the current (4.6A) of an original 1157 bulb (2.1A). The turn signal switches are already marginal with 1157 bulbs. This additional current will overheat and smoke your turn signal switch!
The best solution is to convert to the “Plasma” LED bulbs.
I changed the bulb back to the original 1157, but the new Sylvania bulbs said “Silverstar 1157” on the packaging, not 1157HP or 1157HD. They were advertised as a brighter white light. I will check specks versus the standard but if the are being sold as “1157”, I would expect them to have same specs.
If I purchase the “AR” kit that contains the C9WY-13A366-AR and DOWY-13350-AR from Barginspot, is that all I would need if I stay with the incandescent bulbs?
The Sylvania Silverstar 1157 bulb specs show the standard current draw of 2.1A, so they should be fine.
The C9WY-13A366-AR and D0WY-13350-AR will work fine with 1157 incandescent bulbs.
My turn signals have two things going wrong at the moment:
First, the indicators don’t flash properly. I know the solution for that is the new relay.
Second, the rear turn signals light only the inner and outer lamps, not the centers. So, instead of 1-2-3, they light up 1-3. The front indicators work properly and the hazards flash the front indicators and the center lamps on the rear. Any ideas?
Here are the components as currently equipped (I replaced the sequencing motor with the Cougars Unlimited unit over a decade ago):
First check for flashing power on the yellow/red wire at the large (3"x3") relay with the 14 wires. This proves that the sequencer is supplying the signal for the 2nd lamp to the relay.
Since “the front indicators work properly”, there may be a problem with the center rear (2nd) lamp contacts inside the large relay.
A replacement relay, C8SZ-13A366-AR is available.
However, it is odd that “the hazards flash the front indicators and the center lamps on the rear” correctly because the same contacts are used. It might be worthwhile to open up the relay and clean all the contacts using a relay contact burnishing tool such as a GC Electronics 9338.
Does anyone have a picture of where the wiring of the turn signal switch connects with the main harness. Someone decided it was a good idea to remove the connector block and crimp connect the old switch directly to the harness.
This left me with a huge mess. I’m missing a few wires and the colors of the wires that are still there don’t add up with the connector diagram that I have.
Edit: this is on a 1968 model
I have posted a diagram on my website, that shows the wire colors on both sides of the half-moon turn signal switch connector.
The wire colors for the 1968 Cougar are shown from the back side of the connector.
When you look at the diagram, remember that the connectors are mirror images of each other, this means that:
Harness side <–> TS Switch side
Yellow <–> Yellow
Blue/Yellow <–> Blue/Yellow
Green/Red <–> White/Red
Orange/Black <–> Green/Orange
White/Blue & Purple <–> White/Blue
Green/White & White <–> Green/White
No connection <–> Green
Lt. Blue <–> Red
Orange/Yellow <–> Blue
Orange/Black <–> Orange/Blue
The Orange/Black is duplicated - it connects the Green/Orange with the Orange/Blue together.
Vic, you are an asset to the Cougar Community. I have learned so much from this thread.
I bought a '68 basket case that failed the old Arizona safety inspection back in the early 90’s. It failed because the turn signals stopped working. The owner at that time decided that rather than fix the original system that it would be better to try to hack some sort of home brew solution. Armed with a spool of yellow wire they tried to run new wires to each signal light front and back and them they spliced into the turn signal switch. Of course one thing leads to another and the brake lights didn’t work so they cut those wires out as well. They kept putting in bigger fuses until they finally started burning things up. Ultimately they did enough damage for the car to remain parked until now.
Mostly I have been returning everything to original with the benefit of a spare harness for parts and the information in this thread. I am soldering and shrink tubing all connections so there will be no mystery in the future. The signals have a way to go, but at least the brake lights now function. When I first powered up the car the tail lights all lit up even though the headlight switch was unplugged. Eventually it will be a car again.
Does anyone have a picture of the connector block like the one below but from the other side?
Previous owner cut of the connector blocks. The colors of the wires that I have hanging from under the dash don’t add up with the wiring scheme for the '68 cougar.
Also pictures of the connector blocks connected with the wires on both sides visible would be greatly appreciated.
You are correct - the 1967-68 Cougar underdash harness wire colors do not match the turn signal switch wire colors.
The 1968 turn signal switch follows the typical 60’s Ford wiring color scheme.
Since the Cougar turn signal system isn’t “typical”, the mating wiring colors are different.
Refer to the 1968 Cougar turn signal switch wiring diagram here:
The 1968 switch diagram (on the right) shows the back (wire side) of the connector.
The pins marked with a circle with an X denote a male pin.
Note that the diagrams are mirrored because they mate together.
(i.e. blue on right matches orange/yellow on left)
A turn signal switch failure diagnosis guide can be found at:
I own a 67 XR-7. I have previously replaced the turn signal sequencer in the trunk with a repro (solid state) turn signal sequencer from WCCC. I also switched over to the LED bulbs for the tail lights from WCCC.
Called WCCC last month, October 2019, when I found that neither brake lights nor turn signals working. Spoke with Richard, their electrical guru. He talked me through to where we diagnosed that the brake light switch that sits on the brake pedal lever was the culprit. Replaced the switch, everything worked fine.
New problem now in November, while the brake lights are still working, the sequential turn signals are not now working. I went to a link mentioned just above by, which said if the emergency flashers still worked then the new problem would probably be the turn signal switch. However, in my case neither the emergency flashers or the turn signals are working.
I would appreciate anyone’s input on how to go forward from here to troubleshoot and identify the problem component.
Did you verify the 15A turn signal fuse next to the steering column is good?
First, check the in-line 15A fuse in the orange/yellow wire located up under the dash to the right of the steering column.
Next, in the trunk, check the orange/green wire feeding the sequential controller with the key on or in accessory position.
It should have 12V when the turn signal is either left or right. Lack of power usually means a bad riveted contact in the switch.
Verify the switch connections using a self-powered test light or VOM according to the Table 1 on my website.
Also, for right turns, the purple wire should have 12V, white for left turns.
Depending on which riveted contact in the switch fails, the emergency flashers may or may not still work.
More turn signal switch troubleshooting info can be found in:
New issue here,
To give you more background information first.
All the original cables have been removed from my 70xr7.
Only original cables still in there are the ones in the trunk for the rear lights and the sequential turn signal box.
the turn signal box has been renewed many years ago but since then i have recently installed led lights, so i need to buy the
turn signal box for led lights.
(hopefully that will solve my problems).
The rest of the wiring in my car has been replaced with a ‘universal’ kit.
And everything is working like a charm.
Only issue is figuring out how to connect the cougar’s rear light system to my new wires…
This is the wiring kit i bought:,229874.html
The flasher units have already been replaced by the corrects ones from west coast classic cougar for led lights.
Question i have now is, am i missing parts in my new wiring kit to make the rear lights and indicators etc work?
I have the flasher units, the turn signal switch and the sequintial flasher in the trunk (which i must buy the correct one for )
Or are there more parts in the original wiring from a cougar?
So far i have no clue what the wires from the sequential turn box are.
Which color wire has which function?
Video of how it is currently functioning,
don’t mind the strange language;).
Beginning is hazzard lights on, only the inner lights are burning.
Then lights on, notice how they start shining from the outside towards the inside.
Then with lights on, apply brake and these are working really nice, really bright!
Then lights off and apply brake and only the 1ones left and right are shining…
Indicators is doing nothing left or right…
First, to use the WCCC “Plasma” LED bulbs, you must install a C9WY-13A366-AL sequential controller board.
The picture indicates that a non-LED board is installed.
The 1969-70 Cougars need three additional wires run from the turn signal switch to the trunk:
white/blue (right front turn signal output)
green/white (left front turn signal output)
green (brake switch output)
Finally, if the front turn signal bulbs are LED bulbs, a D0WY-15A434-LSM side marker adapter kit must be installed.
Thanks for the input, will give that a try later on this week.
Ordered the led lights sequential controller board also.