Bought a Cougar today

I heard that! It seems like there is more hard to come by trim on this car than on my '62 Grand Prix. Our goal was not to make it pretty right now just get rid of the pitted chrome pieces. We really just wanted a presentable car we could take to cruise nights and not cringe when we looked at it. Our plan was also to do the mechanical improvements first and then come back and take care of the cosmetics.

We are starting to consider reselling the car. What drives us nuts may not bother someone else. My son feared we would exhaust the mechanical improvement budget just making the car borderline presentable and I see his point.

He thought the black grill would look worse than the pitted chrome parts, again I’m not sure how I feel about that. I don’t want to give the impression of building an Eliminator clone

Do this:

Got a couple of good nights sleep and my buyer’s remorse has diminished. My son and I did a car show at our town’s summer festival with my '62 GP and the Cougar. More than a few guys who are ridiculously brand loyal to other brands had nice things to say about the car. Yesterday I bought my first stash of small resto parts from a local Mustang vendor to address a couple of interior annoyances.

We realize we will most likely have to replace the grills with better parts eventually, we think we can make it look a bunch better by redoing the black paint in between the bars. I will start trolling for better grills, send pics of my hood and trunk trim to Don Rush to see if they are restorable, order a few other chrome pieces from Don and start looking to get the bumpers and valences squared away. Probably going to remove the wheelwell moldings for the time being since the RF is mangled.

Those hubcaps and 195-78-14’s look kinda dorky, so I am looking for somebody to mount some older tires I have on the 14x7 American 200S wheels I had on my Eliminator back in 1979. That should change to look a bit.

Sorry about my buyer’s remorse & sleep deprivation driven panic. Its a decent car and it will be a great basis for our project.


Ed glad to hear that you feeling better about buying your Cougar. Now all you have to do is change you signature so it reads…I bought a Cougar. :slight_smile:

I’m on it.