I had the C6 rebuilt and installed it along with the NOS engine and got it running this week. I have no reverse. Anything that can be done without removing the transmission from the car? New Hughes torque converter, 13 quarts of Type F fluid.
Hopefully it is only a problem with the intermediate band adjustment. If the intermediate band is too tight, you could be stuck in 2nd gear. It’s pretty easy to check without taking the tranny… I mean… transmission out of the car. Torque it down to 10 ft-lbs and then back it off one full turn. The band adjustment nuts have an integrated rubber seal. They can leak if they are not replaced when you adjust the bands.
Sounds like a sticking piston in the valve body. You can pull the valve body with out pulling the transmission. I had a similar problem, (would take forever to shift into reverse, had to rev it a few times etc.) I pulled the valve body and cleaned it all up, put it back in and it worked fine. Since I don’t know exactly what I fixed your results may vary.
I agree with Bill. Did the trans sit very long since the rebuild before the install? I’ve learned Ford trannys are notorious for not working right after sitting for a while. My C6 wouldn’t shift right to save my life after the first rebuild. But it sat for many years before I could get it installed.
The guy who rebuilt it the second time said everything was already gummed up inside.
The transmission sat for about 3 weeks from the time it was rebuilt until I installed it in the car.
I drove it some, the car will not drive in Low. It will drive in D or 2 position. No reverse. It starts out in second and will not upshift. It has no compression braking.
Check the “O” ring on the Low/Reverse Servo. The Rebuilder may have torn it when he installed the Servo Piston.
Update - I was troubleshooting why the charging system would not work and just for fun dropped the shifter into reverse. The transmission made a whirring sound briefly then it went into reverse! Reverse works fine now.
Now the only issue is with the selector in low gear the car acts as if the parking brake is on. It will move forward in low but it feels like two gears are engaged.
At This Point I’d Have to agree…