I just posted the following in a new thread on MercuryCougar.Net
Over the past few months I have noticed what I think might be a rift developing in the Cougar Community. If you have been around long enough you might have noticed this as well. A lack of communication is often at the heart of a problem, so I thought that I might be able to at least start the conversation.
If you are new to Cougars, you might not be aware that the Cougar Club of America used to publish a real 4 color glossy magazine. And The Classic Cougar Network published a monthly on line magazine and had one of the most comprehensive web sites ever, devoted entirely to classic Cougars. And this web site (MC.Net), owned and operated by a devoted Cougar owner, provided instant answers to urgent questions.
But things change. The CCOA publishes a quarterly PDF that is a shadow of the old publication (Props to Mr. Eos for keeping at least that alive!). The TCCN is dead and gone, and this site is now owned by a conglomerate that thinks we are ricers…
ClassicCougarCommunity.Com was started when it became apparent that the wheels were not turning at the CCOA and that TCCN was winding down. The next shock came when this site was sold to the current owners. Maybe this site will go on forever, but if it does it won’t be for love of the cars. The reason to be concerned is that this site (MC.Net) now holds a huge store of the collected knowledge of our hobby. It would be a genuine tragedy to lose that, the way the contents of the TCCN were lost.
Frankly, it wasn’t just so much about losing what we have, as it was the failure to move forward. Of course one of the first things we did was Ride of the Month. And the Dream Cougar Window Sticker Generator has been used now over 675 times. We also had to create new sites for the registries when the TCCN went down, and those are now up and running. The next project is a Hall of Fame to honor the most important Cougars ever built. None of this could be accomplished on this site (MC.Net).
So why the rift? I really can’t put my finger on it exactly, but I believe that there is a sense that you have to chose sides in order to use one site or the other. From my view I can assure everyone that this is not the case. Bob, the moderator here (MC.Net) is also one of the most frequent posters there(CCCF.com), and I still post here (MC.Net), as I am doing now. Further, I count Bob as a friend and if any one else can fully appreciate what he does here, I would be the guy.
So what is the point? ALL of us are smarter than any of us. The more people participate, the better things get. There is no litmus test. These two sites do not encompass the entire community. Forgive me for sounding like a politician, but I am certain that we have more in common than we have in differences. There is nothing to be gained from creating differences where none should exist.
So now it is your turn. What do you think? If you are thinking it, then probably other people are as well. What would make this hobby more fun for you? How can we make it better?
(posted to both sites!)