Gears New Season

I set my DVR for the new season of Gearz. My info button shows its a new episode so I was excited that they may begin with their Boss nine Cougar project. Everything said new episode and it’s a repeat of last seasons Dragin Wagon interior episode. Did anyone else see a different “new” episode?

I think the new season starts March 3rd at 9 pm?

I just checked Stacey David’s website and now it shows Season 6 starts March 5th at 9PM ET. Originally, it listed today at 9AM ET. Here’s the link (hope it works): John

Thanks I have my DVR set for all episodes. It usually shows new in the description when it’s a new show. That’s what it showed this morning. I will check again when the next one records.

Thanks for the info, last night I went to a local cruise night and a few of the Mustang guys brought it up. Sorry to say that I had forgotten most of the work that was done. Will ty to catch it tomorrow night.Sal

Well last night certainly lived up to the hype…NOT!

Looked like re-runs to me.

Reruns for me also. It’s a bummer. Oh well.

Yeah, bummer. But, that supercharger for the Tundra put the Toyota V8 back on my radar as a Cougar power option.

Say it isn’t so… Japanese power for a classic Cougar. I can see it in a 2000 model, but I guess thats what restomoding is all about. Everyone has different ideas.


It seems outlandish til you measure the dimensions of the iForce and compare it to a Ford 5.4.

Once you actually get a car and put that toy engine in it, I’m sure someone will admire it. :flushme:

:laughing: :poke:


Now where’s that lil popcorn guy…

Ribeye served with a side of white rice?

:biggrin2: I’ll be cryin’ meself to sleep tonight on me huge pillow! :cry: