More glass progress…I’m a mess…sanding dust all over. But, it’s getting nice and smooth…should start the “bodywork” tomorrow, might be shooting paint soon!
Looks like its going well. I see you have the cup holder and recessed area for holding stuff. Will it have an armrest? Post up some more pics when you get the bodywork complete.
The foreward most hole is for the shifter, the hole/recess between the shifter and the cupholer is for phone/misc storage while driving. It will get lined with something.
Took the Cougar on a 70 mile jaunt today, and the console was handy…held my iced tea, my phone, and stayed in place great, even when not bolted up to the dash. Car performed well, also!
More console progress, but no new pics(sorry, i know we all love pics!) Basically just doing the fill-guide coat-sand-repeat step now, but, it is getting SLICK…almost makes me want to strip the car down to metal again, and do-over!!! Almost…
On another note…took the car to church this a.m. with the whole fam-damily…that was fun!
On that journey, on the way home, I had an A-HA! moment…for the recessed area lining…why not rubberized undercoat, or even bedliner in a can?? Tough, waterproof, simple application…??
I had an A-HA! moment…for the recessed area lining…why not rubberized undercoat, or even bedliner in a can?? Tough, waterproof, simple application…??
In my Explorer Sport Trac the recessed area has a lay in rubber liner. It can be removed and cleaned. I was at my local Ace Hardware this morning and I saw rubber floor runner material that was black and is very close to what I have in my truck. Just an idea, easy install.
Hit a snag in painting, but, that will be remedied soon enough. Today, working on trim, and repairing more sand-throughs from removing bad paint reaction. Can’t win them all!!! Anticipating proper sealer/primer arrival, and final paint job!
Also have a stainless cupholder insert on the way…all that’s left, is trimming the shifter hole…!