Good morning. I have been spending a little time here and really like it. First off having the bar at the top to navigate would be a lot easier than clicking back all the time. Also trying to read the articles my tired old eyes really strain, if the zoom worked it would be a big help. Please excuse the fact that I do not know any of the correct terminology.
Have You tried pressing the control (CTRL) button and hitting the + key to zoom in and the - key to zoom out?
Thanks Jean Ill try that.
I did not know that.
OldWood, are you talking about the articles on the site, or about posts here on the forums? Can you give me some idea about the size of the screen you have, and whether you are running windows, or mac, and also what browser you have?
Bill it is the articles. I am on my HP laptop right now and tried the ctrl button and+, no help. Windows and I use Firefox and Internet explorer. Hope this helps. Mike
Something else wold be email notifacation to a post you are particiapating in. This is a big laptop. I think about 19" diagonal. Great articles by the way.
I just tested with my pc, and it does not work if the numlock button is not ON. more: the - and = buttons after the zero on top of your keyboard also will also do the trick while pressing ctrl.
wow that is cool!!!
OldWood you can change your post settings so you receive a notification when someone replies to your post. Go under “user control panel” and then “post settings” or something like that. I’m assuming that would send you an email.
When you reply to a post scroll down to options and click on, notify me when a reply is posted.
- Options
- Upload attachment
Disable BBCode
Disable smilies
Do not automatically parse URLs
Attach a signature (signatures can be altered via the UCP)
Notify me when a reply is posted
I am looking around to see if this can be changed to the default option but it looks like it an opt in deal that has to be set by the user.
I just figured that the red icons at the left mean an unread thread.
better late than never, I guess.
Thanks Guys, like I said I am a computer retard. I got the zoom to work, big help. I like the way the forums open on a seperate page. Bill did you add that? Or was it that way and I just did not notice. I will check out the email part.
You can set the automatic email notification (subscribe to a topic) when you post in your User Control Panel as Nate says. The link’s on the toolbar, top left once you’re logged in. Then go Board Preferences → Edit Posting Defaults → Notify me upon replies by default (set it to “yes”) → Submit.
Automatically sending you emails when you reply to a thread is considered spamming if you haven’t “opted-in” to having it work that way by either checking the option at the bottom of the window when you post or opting-in by setting the default as above.
P.S. I added a sticky that describes the options for receiving email notifications if you want more detail.
Ok another dumb question from another computer nerd…how the heck do you shrink a picture to the exact size required by the avitar restrictions (90 x90 x 6mp) thanks in advance…
Irfanview is a free graphic program that lets you choose how to save picture. You open your file with it, and “save as”. it opens the normal window to determine the name and where to save. (never use the same file name since that will overwrite your original file!)
A second box appears with specifications of the new file: horizontal and vertical measures, OR size. Just google Irfanview, and you have to download the plugins. it’s free
software : … tag=button
plugins : ==> choose irfanview plugins 428 setup.exe this does it all automatically.
right click on your future avatar, and choose open with irfanview. once opened, just save as mentioned earlier.
Jay is pretty good at this stuff… Maybe he can write a script that automatically re-sizes to the correct specs? Of course this might be completely impossible, too… LOL!
LOL. Actually, that’s easy to do, the problem is one of bandwidth and CPU cycles. You want users to do the resizing before they try to upload the image. Otherwise, you’d surely have some users trying to upload 15-megapixel images of their favorite Cat for their avatars and our web host would be suspending our account in no time.