Is this an 8" or 9" rear end?

I’ve looked at a bunch of web pages that describe how to tell the difference and I still just cannot figure this out.

Here’s a pic from the rear

And one from the front

Please let me know which it is and how you’re able to tell. Thanks!!

That is an 8". The pinion support of a 9" hangs over the lower two bolts making it impossible to get a deep socket on them. If you go to google images and search for “Ford 9 inch” you see what I mean.

I’ve seen a few sites comparing photos of those bolts 8" vs 9" and it’s really hard for me to see a difference.

I just saw this 9" on

You can see how the bottom of the pinion support is just about flush with the bottom of the case.

Definitely an 8".

Ok, I was thinking it’s an 8" but the photos I had found on the net didn’t do much for me as the back side never looked like mine in any of the photos I found.

8" it is, then. Thanks for the inputs!

This is what a 9" rear end looks like:

Below are two photos showing an easy way to distinguish between the Ford 8" and 9" rearends. The 9" one on the left has an extrusion/raised area on the rear side of it allowing clearance for the larger ring gear in the 9" rear where as the 8" one on the right does not have the raised area.

Your post may be more helpful Scott, but I still like looking at mine better.

Yes Al your posts rearend is definitely better looking than what I posted but I dont think you will find a 9" rear end like you posted attached to any 40+ year old 4-wheel or 2-legged Cougar if you know what I mean. lol

I would like to add that the extrusion isn’t a definite on a 9. My '65 9 is similar to the pics of the 8 and the “smooth 9” with 2 dimples. Heh-heh Some don’t have the bump but are still nines. The best way, by eye, is the “non-socket” lower studs.

Rodbender, just wondering what do you mean by “non-socket” lower studs. I have looked at the previous photos and do not see much of a difference in the lower studs of the 8" and 9"?

What rod bender means is that the pinion housing/support on a 9" hangs down to the point that it blocks the use of a ratchet/socket to loosen/tighten the bolts at the bottom of the carrier - you have to use a wrench rather than a socket.

Thanks for the info, I understand now after taking another look at the photos.