MBA or just school in general

I know that there are a few of us “fools” out there that have decided for one reason or another to go back to school.
I know Adam is going for his Dr. in Physics/ Rocket science :crazy:

Just curious on how many and what degree your going for.
I am currently going for my Masters in Supply Chain management at Elmhurst College- have a yr left to go.

Doctorate in Physical Therapy.
Retaking some sciences right now before I start the actual program next year.

Looking forward to working with Doctors Without Borders. I’ve had enough of the conspicuous consumption and greed. Ready to channel my PT education and my writing skills into something that will not only help people directly, but be able to help with press and relative awareness (which should help with fund raising for the organization.)
Some people accuse me of having a mid-life crisis. I see it more like being a Samurai who, at a certain age would stop being a soldier and take up the life of a monk. Except I don’t want to go gaze at my navel in a cave for the next 40 years.

As Chris said, I’m working on my Ph.D. in experimental high energy particle physics at Princeton. I’m writing up my dissertation in between forum posts. If everything goes well, I’ll be finished in June.

I went to Oregon State and graduated with a CEM (Construction Engineering Management) degree in 2009. I am currently looking into going to Willamette University to get my law degree in Construction Law. I am still kicking around the idea. I need to take the plung and just do it. It will be beneficial in the long run.

Good for you, gentlemen!

i’m too old for that stuff… :laughing: sent my wife instead. she’s got one year to go in computer techniques (techniques informatiques) and network administration. Next step is programming.

in reality, i’m a tad jealous, but a very bad student subject according to her (probably right).

more education for personal improvement, and/or altruistic reasons is great.