My slow-build '67

I’m in the opposite boat. Body is all done and assembled but have all the interior, glass and some drivetrain work to get done before I can drive it!

I fear I may be nearing the end of the road with the Cougar. It’s a fun car, and I’ve enjoyed it, but my wandering thoughts can never stay planted with one vehicle for too long. Three years is nearly miraculous for me.

My son will be taking a “learn to ride” dirt bike class at the end of the month. If he enjoys it, I may part ways with the Cougar for a couple of dirt bikes. I’d love to keep both, but I need to keep my wife and finite garage space happy. If he doesn’t, well, the Cougar may stay put for a little longer. I’ve been itching to ride again a little bit, but having a family, solo seat time doesn’t have the draw it did in my single days.

I have been taking the car out for evening rides lately. It reminds me of the summer drives I used to take with my dad way back when, my first recollections being in the '65 Mustang. It still needs work, of course. Fix up some exhaust leaks, fix the floor/interior and rear springs. Upgrade the lighting. That would be on my to do list. Eventually, an engine replacement, transmission “upgrade” would be in the theoretical works, too. A full body restoration would be nice, but exceeds my meager budget.

For now, I’ll keep driving it as is. It almost feels like I’m just stretching the time out, like an old pet that you can tell is ready to move on, but you’re not ready to, yet.

Having something that you & your kids enjoy doing together is priceless.

I found some Procar Classic headrest seats on Craigslist for a good price, so decided to try them out. They came with the adapter brackets as well. They are in new condition.

My first thoughts, meh. They are hard as a rock, I’m not sure if they’ll break in over time or not (anyone have any feedback on that?). They also sit about an inch higher than the stock seats, maybe because as you can see in the pictures, the stock seats had nearly no foam left! Ha. One thing for sure, they’re better than the decomposed seats that were in there. I’m not sure I like the black well enough to do a color change on the interior. Black seems to be “easier” than parchment as far as an interior refresh, but I prefer the parchment color. At best, I end up loving the seats and do a color change. At worst, I have a temporary seat solution while I reupholster the stock seats. With the price I paid, I’ll have no problem flipping them for the same price. Some before, during, and completion pictures.