overheating problem

Think I’d try a good clean n flush, based on the majority of the opinions above! Might save you some clams in the long run.

I had my radiator re-rodded for less then $100.

I did some thinking and what you say makes sense. I think the lack of time theory was started way back by who knows who and was bad info carried on in the trade for decades. I can see how it has carried on so long because we can’t see inside of a running engine so an overheat caused by a missing Tstat was a mystery and not enough time spent in the rad was the easy answer. BTW I found some great info on cooling systems while I was pondering this problem. Web Page Under Construction


Bill, The thing is, if the time in the radiator thing was true, it would look exactly like what we see. So it makes a lot of sense that people would make the assumption. No disrespect intended. Great link!

I don’t think you’d need anything bigger than the factory radiator. They work fine when the rest of the system is working properly and they’re not plugged.

That’s a good link that really distills a lot of information to a readable and understandable series of bites. :beerchug: