Safety/convenience lights in console

Does anyone have a decent pic of the safety/convenience lights in the console pad. I’m wondering if they could be incorporated into an xr7 console pad along side the clock.

Jody I think that there is a good picture in my 1967 owners manual. I’m at work when I get home I will take a look and post a picture of it. Maybe someone will have a picture posted by then which could help you sooner.

Jody this is as good as I could do. I know it’s more of an illustration picture but I hope it helps.

Thanks, that’s exactly what I was looking for. I see now that my xr7 console pad won’t work as there is a seam that runs down each side that would get in the way.

If you check behind the pad, there are holes on the metal support for at least two of the lights to fit between the seam and the edge of the pad

A couple of the long LED bulbs would probably work.

I think I’m going to go with the bezels and lenses from WCCC and mount them in a horizontal row beneath the radio opening- something like this: I know, it means messing up a console pad, but I’d rather do that than drill holes in my dash, which is the other logical spot, just below the 4 toggle switches.

The radio pad looks like a better option. It would have more of a “factory” look.

I think it"d look cool with a set of lights from an XR-7 upper console in that location. The car is an XR-7 after all.

They won’t fit in that space between the rdio and clock without a bunch of work creating tubes for the light sources

The mount for the clock runs into that area. It is not circular

I think I can still make the small round ones work if I use LEDs instead of light bulbs and skip the tubes. I just have to figure out a way to mount the lenses and bezels to the pad itself. I guess I’ll just have to order them and see what they are like when they get here.

As pointed out above, the space between the clock and the radio didn’t work so I opted to mount the lights below the clock. Even there, the clock mount prevented them being spaced evenly across the bottom, but I think my compromise turned out pretty good. The repop bezels and lenses from WCCC are very nice except the letters are silk screened onto the lenses instead of cut into the lenses like originals would have been. Assembly was pretty straight forward. The hardest part was getting up the nerve to drill into my console pad. For light tubes, I used some 5/8" OD steel spacers from the hardware store ($.80 x 4 = $3.20). The bezels are pressed onto the tubes with the lenses sandwiched in between. The tubes have a 1/2" ID and I found some cheap panel indicator lights at the local auto parts store for $2.39 each which, after the flange is trimmed off, fit nice and snug inside the steel spacers.

Lights installed…