Vote for December Ride of the Month!

Let the voting begin! My selection for December 2011 Ride of the Month is:

  • Jeff’s Sunroof '70
  • Don’s Wellington Blue '68 GT-E
  • Bill’s '68 XR7-G CJ
  • Harry’s '69 Eliminator

0 voters

It is time to select the December 2011 Ride of the Month!

We will let the voting run a bit long this time due to my lateness in getting this up! Voting will end Saturday the 3rd.

Candidates, this is also the place to strut your stuff! Show us more pics, tell us your story, offer us free beer!

The candidates are:

Jeff’s Sunroof '70

Don’s Wellington Blue '68 GT-E

Bill’s Black Cherry '68 XR7-G

Harry’s '69 Eliminator

More Pictures…
First purchased August 1, 1969 …
Re-purchased 40 years later, August 15, 2009
Restoration completed July 15, 2011.

Don’s Wellington Blue 1968 XR7 GT-E 427 side oiler…

Don found her in his garage…

Bill’s Cobra Jet G.

Jeff’s 1970 Sunroof XR7 wtih Black and White Hounds-Tooth Interior…

Here are some more pics I took of Jeff’s 70 sunroof car… including the same one without the watermark.

My vote is for Bill’s Black Cherry G. It just looks “right” for the month of December.

This is a tough one. Although Bill’s black cherry “G” is rather Christmasy, my vote is for Jeff’s 1970 Sunroof XR7. Green is a Christmas color as well isn’t it? :mrgreen:

What the!!! I declare a mis-vote! My ballot had no selection for “Tart reading Rolling Stone”!!! (It is, after all, RIDE of the month, yes??) LMAO

Yep, Cobra-Jet baby!!! :sunglasses: with a red suit.

I must say they are all great choices. I tip my vote for Bill’s black cherry G-cj.

Do you guys think it would be inappropriate to post something on MC.Net about the ROM voting?

I don’t want posters on MC.Net to ever feel like they have to stop participating over there in order to be a part of what we are doing here.

i voted for the 69 Eliminator. gotta love it when a guy repurchases and restores the same car he bought 40 years ago.

LOL, Bill, ahunt191 already mentioned it at mcn…

Ops! got it! People take this stuff way too serious sometimes.

Schnikeys, that’s just funny…“ice chest tank was a dealer installed option…”…LMAO, good riposte, Mr. Bill!

Sigh… I want to be able to vote 4x this month…

:confused: I just have an abhorrence when I have to go on a quest to a lexicon, to get a witticism. You may be an Okie, but you definitely are not an Okie from Muskogee…
However, if that counter connotes a riposte to some other churlis, (but IMHO very whimsical), post, then touche’… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

If I were on a PC and able to vote, I’d be voting for Bill’s car. But since I’m on the iPhone app, no dice. +1 imaginary vote for Bill’s!

Okay, that’s a new record for number of words I had to look up in a vain attempt to understand “WTF you talkin’ 'bout, Willis??”. In other words, check out the big vocabulary on Chuck!