About every two years I start walking to the garbage can with this but in the end cannot do it. Anyone want it? Does not appear to have ever been used. Free to a good home. Bill… Can we have a free parts section? I would seed it heavily!
How do you know if a bra has been worn or not? Seeing how it is 67/68 does that make it an underwire? What qualifies as a good home?
Can we have a free parts section? I would seed it heavily!
Don Rush 11/29/2011 (possibly under the influence of too much Thanksgiving Turkey)
See, that is what I love about this community… The guy that probably sells more Cougar parts than any one else asks for a place to post free stuff. And promises to put a lot of things there to boot!
Now quick as a bunny I opened up this new section before Don can think this over… Is that cool or what?
Wow! Great service Helena!
Heck Don, you know how I like free stuff… The keyboard is still smoking .
Lmao. Literally, not just using the expression like the kids. Thanks for the chuckle.
LMAO, will there be free keyboards in there? I think I just shorted mine out via beer spew…
Don I would like to have this for use this summer on the power tour if it is still available
If this is still available I would like to see it, so, on free stuff, we just pay shipping?
Yup… Just pay shipping of about $12 or we throw it in with your next order.
i’ll take it if no one else does. let me know!
I have a 67 standard do you still have cover ?
Just to comment on the Bra. I have one for my 68 Cougar; I really appreciate having it in the summer. It helps with the bugs!