1967 Mercury cougar low miles

The vinyl looks a bit shiny to me. An easy way to check is to look for the rivit holes on the underside of the drip rail. Every 1967 I have seen had the aluminum strips mentioned earlier. Here are a couple of factory vinyl top c-pillar drip rail pictures. The circle was a factory rivit to hold the strip. They are all in a line down the rail.

Cougar club of America specifically speaks about factory pin strips being avaible for 67&68. The were hand painted on. Maybe i read it wrong.

I remember watching them hand paint pinstripes in the Van Nuys GM assembly plant around 1970. They had a jig that looked like a roller coaster track placed against the completed car body. The gaps were masked off. Then they ran a dual roller paint dispenser along the jig and had dual stripes done in seconds. But they had to manually pull the car bodies getting stripes off the moving assembly line.

Because the paint dispenser was gravity fed, the bottom stripe is often a few thousands thicker than the top one. But that definitely gives the factory applied stripes a unique look.


Not making any judgements but it does look like the woodgrain is all worn off the steering wheel.

Getting someone known in the Cougar community to inspect it would go a long way towards verifying the claim.

Anyone want to see it, hit me up.

The passenger side mirror is a little suspicious, but it’s possible it was added many years ago.

Also the sill plate looks like it’s got a lot of wear as well

Havent had an offer yet. Lots of bashing, but no money on the table. Car is clean either way and worth some $$$$…mabey not what im asking but it is an OBO. Im not hurting for money and dont have to sell it. Again if someone wants to see it in person…hit me up.

Good eye the passenger side mirror was around 81 or 82. His mom was getting older and having trouble seeing to get out of her garage. Im telling you he told me 3 hours worth of stories about this car and his mom.

Despite everything. I have no bone in this fight.

The only thing I noticed. Everything is nicely clean armor al etc.

But the pic of dust and dirt on the bottom side of the steering column. Yeah you have to zoom in a bit.

Pics of under the hood. Pics of the dash pad with cover removed?

Goto my profile or search. I never thought.

Came from one owner family. Cleaning smoker nicotine stains sucks.

People here want pics and lots of pics.

While i appreciate the comments, i took it to a shop that works on classics all the way to new exotics to get it cleaned up. I had them wipe down the interiors of the car but my main concern was the paint. They even told me the paint was original. I had them buff it out and make her pop. That is probably the reason for the shine. They didnt get to crazy on the interior. I just told them to knock the dust off. If the car doesnt have original milage, Im cool with that to. Its a beautiful car either way and seeing cars for sale online, i feel like im in the ballpark all day long. And again it is OBO. No one wants to put eyes on it or make an offer but everyone has an opinion. I would love for someone to come actually put eyes on it and tell me it isn’t original. Ive looked at many cars online and when i show up, car is crap…pics dont always show the quality or take away from it. I appreciate the guys with the positive comments and help…really do. If some wants to show up with some money and criticism stop on by. Least someone has money in hand and can kick tires all day long… im not afraid to negotiate.

Even in the pics of my interior it’s hard to see the wood grain but it’s there.

If I had the money in hand, I’d have been out there by now to check it out. That looks like a real nice Cougar whether it’s 7680 or 107680 (which is still low miles for a 57 yr old car) on the odometer. More pics and any documentation in support of low miles would no doubt help generate more interest.

I reached out to a gentleman in the Cougar community and he is working on getting me a Cougar expert to come take a look. If im wrong that is fine to. Like the gentleman said its a prime 100k car. Either way its a beautiful car and at the end of the day i could just keep it. Im the most curious to see if this is the lowest milage 67 Mercury Cougar in America or just another busted dream…stay tuned.

Do you have under the hood engine and bay pics you can post?

I’ve been in the Cougar hobby for 40 years and the pin strips are not original. I’ve seen and owned enough original paint cars to know how the factory did them. Are a few other things not right also, but looks like a nice car.

That all said anyone who is going to make a claim of low mile original better have the car well documented. If this was a one owner car you better have all the service records, etc…, not just some amusing stories. Sorry to seem a bit harsh, but perigee requires documentation as it can greatly affect the value of a car. Given the asking price for basically a plain jane '67 expect these questions from a serious buyer.

As the DGS really not a big deal IMHO. Was a sticker on the quarter window, unique spinner hub cap, chrome valve covers and air clear top. That is about it. Now a XR-7G is a totally different story :slight_smile:

I won’t be posting anymore info yet. I have some gentlemen interested in coming putting eyes on the car in person to put all this to rest. Again if it is great if it isn’t still a beautiful car. I’m not hurting for money and dont need to sell it. Ill just keep my plain Jane Cougar right where it is.

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