1968 Solid body wanted

My 14 year old boy (Ian) says he is ready to start building a car with Dad! Looking for a solid builder, drive train condition not important, interior not important, basically looking for a solid shell with no major rot in the roof, cowl or 1/4’s. Must be located on the west coast. Don 503-463-1130

No solid shells left in the yard?? Holy rusted metal, Cougar Man!!

:thumbup: for Ian! He picked a great year!

Sorry, but… isnt this like Hugh Heffner looking for a blonde?

whats the budget don
i can find at least 2 with in 20 miles of the house

I would like to find something under $1500 if possible.

will have the owner , his name is al
he will call you later today
j code with tilt away wheel etc
he will try to hit you a little high, but
he has a 2nd very nice cougar he is trying to fininsh
ie. needs parts for
i am sure you can work some thing out

Don, this ones in your back door. It’s a 4speed too.http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1968-Mercury-Cougar-302-Rare-3-speed-manual-transmission-/150974633209;jsessionid=3FF0D89C80D4A17F4190378B07A29174?item=150974633209&ViewItem=&ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:US:1123&forcev4exp=true

looks like a three speed to me… manual brakes and manual steering and a center console. Cool!

Sorry my bad it’s a 3 speed. Sold for 2100. Not to bad for a project…

Looks decent ! http://sandiego.craigslist.org/esd/cto/3541287739.html

This one might be worth a look especially for the price of $600 and probably get it for less


LOL it even has the rare mid mounted engine option