1969 Cougar alternator wiring harness question

I have a 1969 Cougar standard which has the 69 Mustang wiring harness with tach underhood harness. I ordered the Alloy Metal Products repo harness since I am replacing alternator. Seems the Alloy Metal repo has a large wire(black with red stripe(see picture #2 at nine O’clock) with large eyelet connector, the original does not seem to have this wire, where does this wire attach?

Thats the ground. I believe it attaches to the block just behind the alt. Thus the big eye for the bolt. just under the bolt in the 3rd pic.

Ok, now I put on my glasses I see the correct bolt it attaches to is in pic #4. Good idea to use star grounding washers, and clean surface around the bolt hole too.

Bear in mind Mustang with tach = Cougar W/O tach.

The ground wire attaches to the block above the negative battery cable.

Thank You so much for the help Bill. I wonder why my original harness is missing that wire? My car was built in Novermber,1968. Maybe you can educate me on this. I thought the black red striped wire may be the ground wire but was worried due to the red stripe. I know all black is typically ground as well as green but a big red stripe I was not sure, can you inform me on such coloring of wires? I definitely wanted to be 100% sure and don’t mind asking to keep away big trouble. Thanks a LOT!!!

Thanks for the reply. Yes my Cougar has the clock rather than the tach. My electro mechanical clock stopped working this week, that was a bummer. I ordered the quartz converted clock with original casing from West Coast(its on the way). I hope the quartz clock is reliable. I have another original clock(electro mechanical), so trying to find where to send it to be repaired to factory quality. Again Thanks!!

I put the quartz clock in a customer’s car recently. It actually keeps pretty good time.

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just ordered same alt harness for my yellow kitty - replacing a chewed up one- tach mustang no tach kitty - weird but true -

Technically, the difference is ‘with’ or ‘without’ ammeter on those harnesses.

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