1969 Dash Cluster and wire identification

Hello everyone. I have a 1969 base model hard top with AC. There are several disconnected wired behind the dash and I am trying to restore everything to working condition. I have searched several forums, WCCC diagrams and online with no luck. Does anyone know what wires in the cluster harness operate what components? I have attached pictures of both sides and some of the disconnected wires that I can’t identify. Any assistance would be grattly appreciated.

The first picture shows a plug for what appears to be a clock.
The second picture is the resistor wire that goes to the CVR input; it must be crimped with a black wire that doesn’t go anywhere (needed for mechanical strength).
The third picture is what may be the brake distribution signal
The fourth picture is a RUN-only wire, but I can’t tell you where it goes. You’ve covered the connector area, which may have a splice.

There are at least 4 different versions of the wiring to the dash for 1969; I have them for XR7/Eliminators only readily available.
If you PM me, I can look in my detailed Ford schematics and see if I can find anything that comes close to what you have.

Thank you for the info. I will work with this and see what I can figure out. I appreciate the info. I will PM you if I need to dig deeper. Thanks buddy.

Did You download the 1969 Cougar Electrical.pdf file from WCCC? It should contain all your answers.

Instrument Panel Connector Pin Out.pdf (105 KB)
The electrical drawing available from WCCC is very good. Here is a pinout for the instrument panel connector.

That’s the XR7 wiring version. The original poster says he has a base Cougar.

I did download the electrical diagrams but, havent had much luck. I was able to correct a few items. I have identified the cluster pin number for the disconnected wire by tracing them back as noted in eash picture. Now trying to identify where the disconnected ends go and what they control.

mlat3, The cluster connection pin diagram is great. If anyone has one for a 1969 base model I would really appreciate it. I will see if can find a version on WCCC.

This all started with a bad turn signal and several hundred dollars later we are doing a complete dash restoration.

The conveience warning lights in the center of the dash are all missing as well. I was able to get the emergenct brake connected and working. Now i need to determine if I want to get the proper harness and restore the low fuel light and door ajar light while I have the dash apart.

Thank you all for your help.

Maybe this diagram will be of some use.

1969 Cougar Instrument Panel


Thanks Gary. I greatly appreciate the help and digram.

Hi i need wiring schematics for 1969 cougar dash cluster

1969 dashcluster wiring

Dash Cluster pin 1 green/black 34 high beam
Dash Cluster pin 2 white/blue 49 RH turn signal
Dash Cluster pin 4 green/white 50 LH turn signal
Dash Cluster pin 5 red 655 ammeter
Dash Cluster pin 6 yellow 654 ammeter
Dash Cluster pin 7 yellow/black 215 low fuel signal
Dash Cluster pin 8 violet 520 seat belt signal
Dash Cluster Pin 9 yellow/white 29 fuel sending unit
Dash Cluster pin 10 red/yellow 640 coil run signal
Dash Cluster pin 11 green/red 162 parking brake signal
Dash Cluster pin 12 black
CVR input power
Dash Cluster Pin 13 red/white 39 temperature sending unit
Dash Cluster pin 14 black/violet 127 door ajar signal
Dash Cluster pin 15 white/red 31 oil pressure sending unit
Dash Cluster pin 16 purple 977 dual brake warning switch
Dash Cluster pin 17 blue/red 19C dash lights
Dash Cluster pin 3, 18 black 57 Ground