I am replacing the original fuel tank a 1970 cougar Xr7. There seems to be a sealant/caulking around the edge of the tank where it is bolted to the trunk. Any idea what that is? Is that original? Where can I get a similar produce for when I put the new tank in?
Thanks for any information, I appreciate it.
Any recommendations on good and budget friendly fuel tanks and sending systems w/ low fuel indicators? Thanks
Originally Ford used a black strip caulk on the fuel tank. And the fuel tank was galvanized. Yours appears to have black “something” coating the tank and some sort of white caulking.
I am not sure if he put a coating on it. The substance is a little sticky. I am assuming it original. I guess it could have been replaced. What is the caulk that is used on the edges of the tank?
The factory strip calk is only under the flange. Sometimes it will squeeze out along the edge. My best guess is it is some kind of housing calk. Clean it out and use strip calk. You should be able to get it at your local auto parts store.
The black coating on top of the tank is not original. The tank is made of galvanized steel and would have that look to it. The black stuff may have been added as some sort of undercoating or sound proofing. Whatever it is it is not original and I would not put it back on a new tank.
The white caulking is also not original. That is something that a previous owner added for some reason. I would not put it back when a new tank is installed.
For your fuel sending unit send it to Bill Basore for rebuilding. That is your best move for that part.
My 70 with the California evaporative emissions vent assembly bolted to the top also had a black finish on the tank. I was pretty sure it was the original tank on mine too because the fiberboard stiffener panel was still stuck to it in the factory location. So that particular 70 emissions tank might have come from the factory with black finish. But your black finish looks more sprayed on than mine did (see pic). And no, that white caulk is definitely not original.
Alot of the fuel tank coatings kina looked like bed liner and they were dipped or sprayed after tumbling…with the price of a new tank , i dont think id bother
Interesting - what condition are yours inside? It’s hard to imagine an original tank lasting 50 years, but mine was certainly rusty enough inside to make me think it could have been that old.
Do yours have a Ford part number stamped anywhere? Mine did not.
I will get a better picture of mine this weekend when I take the fuel sender out to get ready for shipping to Bill. My tank does have a circle on it similar to the tank from California with the emissions vent placement but no vent actually there.
I am also replacing the fuel lines. Any suggestions on a budget friendly place to get some good lines? I am assuming those can not be cleaned and used again, just because of the possible corrosion over the years.
I got my replacement fuel lines from West Coast Classic Cougar. They were very high quality, but were folded in half to ship. I spent alot of time getting them bent back to match the rusty originals.
Thanks badcatt! Assuming yours are original, did they have a Ford part number stamped anywhere? I am now wondering if mine could have been a replacement tank after all.
I didn’t get a look at the tanks. I forgot they are in my trailer waiting to go to scrap. They all were removed from various Cougars over the last 10 years for replacement with new 48 state tanks. Only 1 was from a running driving Cougar. The others have rust inside.
When I get the load to the scraper I’ll take a coupe pictures.
No worries - I was just curious. My old tank just barely fit into our trash bin - after blowing air through it overnight to dry up all the fuel and avoid blowing up the trash truck!