My brake light works but I have to push the pedal hard, problem is I have power brakes and never have to push very hard, there does not seem to be an adjustment, anyone else have this problem? I am tired of persons telling me I have no brake lights…
May be time for a new switch…
I had the same problem with CatVert originally. I ended up replacing the switch and that solved the problem.
I got one right? I got one right?? WOOOHOOOO!!! SEE, MARK?? I AM LEARNABLE!!!
Yup, bad contacts in the old switch. Changed out bulbs like 4 times on the Grannie back in college before I figgered it out.
And Three, there term is TRAINABLE! There’s an off-color joke asking about “WHICH END of the train”… but I’m not gonna go there on a Sunday.
I love trains.
DD- :nono:, in OK, it’s LEARNable…
Al- Don’t you mean you love buses? :shortbus: LMAO
there is at least 4 different part numbers for b/l switches on 67’s and some of the no’s are different for 68—the dif in each p/n is the spring load for this unusual switch—the napa crapa guys use the heavy spring which wont work on p/b unless you stand on the brakes—try to get an nos switch for the correct application—try green sales
Thanks guys, and Doctor, the switch seems fine but like the doc says it does have or seem to have a strong spring, I did not realize there were different spring tensions…
Wonder if Don has one laying around?