68 headliner molding question

I am confused. I ordered wind lace from WCCC. They sent me a very narrow piece that goes over the edge of metal. I am needing the inch and a half wide piece of decorative trim that has stitching down both sides. How does that differ from wind lace? Clearly, I am ordering the wrong item or describing it incorrectly. I did take pictures and one set with the measuring tape on it to determine the width.

You are ordering the cheapest windlace. You need to order the most expensive windlace in your color.

I’ve ordered the only wind lace that was offered by WCCC. Is there somewhere else I should be ordering it?

Look for “Pinch Weld Moulding Trim” on WCCC - it’s not reproduced so only available as used. The thicker moulding was used on decor interior. The thinner stuff was on standard models and is reproduced. With Cougars many items are both year and model specific between standard, XR7 and Decor interiors.

This stuff:

Used Windlace LH side

Used windlace RH side

Thank you ! I really appreciate your help. I read the description and was not understanding that it was the part we needed. I have it now on order!

That trim piece is not available except for used. They do come off which makes it easier to work with. It can be transferred to a new repro panel if yours is unusable. Mine had yellowed over many years in the desert sun but I was able to paint them to match my interior with decent results. I cut and peeled the yellowed plastic/chrome plating before hand to better accept the paint. The basket weave area took paint very well. When doing anything in the interior use the SEM interior paint options

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That looks great…I am going to attempt to restore mine.