68 Mustang parts car


Did y’all see the Mustang parts car?

So that’s what happened to all those S-Code '68 Cougars.

I should be bidding on that…it’s close enough…one for each boy…hmmmmm…

hmmm mustangs are growing on me, all of a sudden :laughing:

Ebay should pull the auction as it is obviously not a Mustang.

One of us might buy it cheap as a result of the mis-representation. Complimments of your CCC. I cannot accomodate the car at this time.

It’s already above what I’d “give”…but I’m a cheap bastiche.

You are cheap. :astonished: I’d pay $1500 for it.

I don’t have anywhere to hide it, either, so, that may be influencing my cheap-ness…

Wow that’s a good looking parts car.

Don’t you have a nice new garage to keep it in? Or will that become your permanent residence as well?

Ummmm, yeah, but that doesn’t “hide” it very well…as in, “out of eyesight/knowledge” of my other half.

Looks like it has been re-listed as a Cougar. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Big-Block-Ford-390-4V-S-Code-6-5-Litre-Engine-Automatic-Transmission-1967-67-68-/170726556319?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item27c018829f#ht_7826wt_1165