I’ve seen these handles in many pictures in the up position and down position. Just wondering what was the proper
position when they left the factory? These are mine in their current down position.
I believe that upward and slightly forward (to release when pushed backward/clockwise) is the correct positioning.
I just looked at mine and they were both pointed up and towards the rear (the seats still have the original upholstery). The drivers side was pointed between the 12 & 1 o’clock possition and the pass. side was pointed at the 10 o’clock possition. IMHO, I don’t think the Ford worker(s) was worried what was the correct possition to put them in. I think I’ll put my pointed up and in the 2 o’clock possition on the drivers seat and the 10 o’clock possition on the pass. seat (that’s just my personal preference). I think yours look good pointing down. John
In the Illustrated Facts and Features Manual, they are shown to point upwards, parallel to the direction of the seat back, in every picture but one, where they point forwards. However, I have seen them in many very original cars pointing down.
I like mine the way I described because it seems the natural position to depress when you fold the seat forward. I might have it backward though, I cannot recall if to release you turn toward the front of the car (in which case I mounted mine a little backward of parallel with the seat back, which would be something like one o’clock) or if they turn toward the back of the car (in which case I mounted mine a little forward of parallel with the seat back, which would be something like eleven o’clock). Both of my clock analogies assume twelve o’clock is parallel with the seat back.
Guess there is no pat answer, but I am always happy to go on ad nauseum about my thought process behind what I did/chose!
Thanks guys, I took a look in the 68 shop manual and all they have is an exploded diagram that shows the handle up.
So maybe I’ll reposition mine.