69/70 pass door shell for parts

Hello all,

i am listing this door as a parts door unless someone has access to a skin to replace it but otherwise it is a door for patches. I bought this door off of ebay about 15 years ago and it was in primer and i thought i got a good deal. Well fast forward i decided to take my car to bare metal and this door i seen some filler poking thru some holes on the inside. Well 8 hours of using a propane torch and a wood chisel i got about 3/4 of a gallon of filler out and realized this door is/was to much work for me so i bought another door to replace it. As you can see the lower part of the door is solid and the corners have never been patched. As well as the underside of the door is clean. I am asking 50.00 for the door and i can cannibalize the lower part of the door for someone that wants clean corners. I really dont want to chuck it but if anyone needs it to please pm me. Here are some pics of the door. I also put this door in a metal etch primer to protect the metal that i stripped.


If anyone is interested in this please let me know. If no one wants it by next Monday (6/21) i am throwing it out and other pieces of scrap to the end of the driveway for a local scrap man to take.



I’m interested in your door, I can use that, but I am in Perth Western Australia (The home of Skylab now :laughing: :laughing: )

Problem is I don’t know how to get it here.
Shipping from the USA is a bit hit and miss, I have had guys send me sets of wheels, consoles, under dash A/C, even had a guy send me a 69 Cougar fender then a 69 trunk lid, both cost $130 usd shipping. But then sometimes it costs $120 usd postage for a carburettor gasket.

I would like the whole door, but that maybe impossible, so I was thinking maybe the lower 1/3 or 1/4 of the door, maybe if you cut that section for me, then ship to me at my cost.

I have put this here just in case some one can help me with doors, as I need 2x left and 2x right doors.

The following is what I have to repair. It will be extremely time consuming to reconstruct the lower edge of this door and any short cut will be appreciated.

That rust line about 3 inches up from the bottom edge is the water level, (rust level).

Regards Peter :slight_smile:


thanks peter, lets get this door to you. I`ll get going on the packaging…
