69/70 rear deck spoiler on a 68?

Anybody have any experience with mounting the repro 69/70 deck spoiler available from WCCC on a 68? Or have any input on whether it would work or not, in theory?

Yeah it works. Although I don’t have experience with a “repro” spoiler, I know that there are tons of 67s and 68s out there that are running them. Mine is actually a Mustang unit and I prefer it because it has shorter pedestals.

But perhaps the one good thing that came out of my only visit to the All Ford Nationals in Carlisle was the guy who came up to me and said: “Anyone whoever thought that a 69-70 rear spoiler couldn’t work on a first gen… needs to look RIGHT HERE!” I took that for the compliment that it was. Check my gallery and form your own opinion.

Yep i got a repro 69/70 on my cat, works like a charm, but be sure you get one for 69/70, because 71-73 have too short pedestals