69 coupe windshield seal

can anyone tell me what size of ribbon seal we need for the windshield ?
the local auto parts store has 1/4 5/16 3/8 & 1/2

A ribbon seal wasn’t used on the 69 Cougar. You need the 3m flexable glazing compound #08509 that comes in a caulk tube. just use a big enough bead to seal the glass. I always error on the more is better then clean up the mess afterwards…

I think he is asking about what to use to install a new windshield, not to seal one that is already in.

Thanks BossElim69
I had already picked some 3/8 ribbon sealer so i used it.
so far it seems to be ok. we’ll see

3/8 inch is what Tom Lawrence at KTL Restorations recommends. We will soon have it available on the West Coast Classic Cougar web site.