69 Eliminator not come with ram air?

I was looking at an Eliminator, its a 69 with a 390 but did not have ram air, was this option only with the 351 or was the ram air an option as well?

On a 1969 Cougar or Mustang, you could only get ram air with a 428.

So, a 69 with a 351 and ram air, the ram was added as an option?

A previous owner would have added the ram air. I know their is a white 69 Eliminator with a 351 and ram air that use to be in my area. The owner at the time was trying to pass it off as factory, but with no proof. Once questioned he would change the story to dealer installed and had no prrof of that either. I don’t know why he couldn’t just say he added it. It looked factory and was nicely done.