'70 eyelid attaching to base

I bought a pair nos NOS eyelids YEARS ago. Went to install and discovered the LH was a NOS defect. It had the correct chrome grill but had a RH steel base so the clocking of the base was reversed. So the chrome grills are available re-chromed from Wccc. I have been told to use JB Weld to attach the grill to the base. I didn’t think it was sufficient so I experimented with a steel punch and a MAP gas torch. I had a spare pair of eyelids but the LH had a broken grill so I had a base to transfer the NOS grill to. I used a dremel tool to grind down the opening the little pin goes through. I then took the steel punch and heated red hot with the MAP gas and applied it to the head of the pin. I had to do this several 6-8 times. This technique did work at mushrooming the head just like the factory did. I then used the JB weld to put on top to give it a more finished looked. After the JB weld cures, I’ll paint the gray spots black. The 1st pic shows how I ground down the base so the pins stick up. The 2nd/3rd pics are how the pin mushroomed from the heated punch. the 4th pic is the punch and the 5th pic is of the JB weld

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