Thanks GAH. Do you know the part number of the ADDCO Bar you have pictured? It also looks like there is more of a bend at the end of the Ford bar. I guess to flatten out the eyelet to make it perpendicular with the End Link. I will be taking pics of the “New” one to see if they made any improvements.
I started this rear bar info last year. Been waiting on Ernie since! I returned a rear bar because it just did not fit. I spoke to Ernie and he said he would make me a rear straight bar (cougar) in 5/8. Nice to know there’s a part number now! Hopefully he gets some done. Here’s the old post. 5/8 in straight rear sway bar interest - Cougar Community - Classic Cougar Community Forum
Rare70cat, it was reading threads like yours that inspired me to contact ADDCO. I put in a request for a custom bar, using info from different forums back in November. Ernie responded to my request stating that he knew of the differences in the Cougar Bar and that ADDCO was looking at making a 5/8” bar similar to OEM. I made several more requests for info with little response. So I thought maybe the best way to get info is to try and purchase either the bar or kit. Their probable have gotten enough request to warrant making a run of the bars. So thanks for posting and getting others interested.
rweast: here’s the info that you requested ( and a screen shot ) of the ADDCO bar that I was talking about.
There are two diameters that ADDCO offers: 3/4" ( 0.75’ ) Part number K1-995-OU-589 and 7/8" ( 0.875" ) P/N K1-432-OU-587.
The two bars have different configurations / ‘profiles’. Hope this helps you.
Addco 432 will not fit '69-'70. That is the bar I bought from summit and after sending photos to Addco, sent back to Addco. 432 is a Mustang bar.