70 XR7 Vert brake issue

I’m a newb to this site but was an active member at MC net up until about 2/12 years ago. I recognize quite a few names form there as members here. I wasn’t able to spend much time with my Cat as I had a major issue with my lower back that took 2 years to resolve.

Anyway the vert has sat quite a bit and when I fired her up this spring it seems a brake problem has arisen. The pedal is spongy and fades with continuous pressure like at a stop sign. Doesn’t appear to be losing fluid anywhere. I gravity bled the rears and there is no apparent improvement. The dash warning light comes on and will go out and then comes on again if the brakes are used.

I checked the tech forums here and at MC net and wasn’t able to find anything that fits the symtoms. I’m guessing that the master cylinder must be bleeding back rather than maintaining pressure to the brakes.

Bill the site looks really good. As usual when you start out to do something it turns out top shelf!!

Time to rebuild the power booster.

Rather than the booster, I think the MC needs replacing or a rebuild.

In my experience, this is the classic symptom of a bad master cylinder. You’re in luck, because it’s easier & cheaper than replacing the booster.

Thanks for the advice guys. I ordered a MC from WCCC. I learned from many years in trucking to start with the cheapest “fix” first.

PS - welcome back, nice to hear your back is feeling better & you’re able to mess w/the cat a bit.

Ya its amazing what surgury can do. Night and day!! I can actually walk again without pain… So yes its great to be back!!!