8-Tracks, Revisited...

Oh yeah! Who has a properly operating 8-track player? THIS GUY! :pimp:

So yes, I spent a good half hour last night sitting in my car, alone in the garage, cycling through my 8-tracks. Pitiful? Possibly, but I was happy as a clam!

Some backstory… I was rummaging around in the storage area last night digging out some books from my childhood to give to my daughter (Choose Your Own Adventure books ~ the new series does not include the original Cave of Time for some reason). I came across my meager 8-Track tape collection (four tapes) that I had bought at a yard sale about 20 years ago - even then I knew I would own a classic car with an 8-track player, I just didn’t think it would take 20 years for that to happen :bloated:

*as a side note, during my submariner days we would watch movies (“burn a flick”) during our down time. One of the crew favorites was Grease.

And so I took my rediscovered treasures out to the garage to see if the 8-Track player was up to the task.

I pushed the “Rock 80” tape into the player and switched it on, expecting the unmistakable garble of tape being consumed but instead was rewarded with the sound of “Driver’s Seat” playing loud and clear! Oh man… this is great :slight_smile:

After a bit of fiddling, I figured out that pushing the power / volume knob would shift from track to track. However, I was unable to figure out how to fast-forward / rewind (if those are even possible). 3 of my 4 tapes played just fine, but unfortunately my “Rock 80” tape jammed up toward the end of the tape. So I’ll have to take it apart and see if I can get it playing again, or maybe send it off and get it “restored” (http://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/for/3926499665.html).

Anyhow, I was pretty excited about this so I thought I would share :slight_smile:

Doin’ alright…little drivin’ on a Saturday night. Great tune. I have a Quadraphonic am/fm 8-track from a '74 Lincoln that I’m contemplating an install into the '69. Plus about 30 classic rock tapes from the '70’s which I play in my…wait for it…BSR Quad home unit. Nostalgia is fun!..and period correct.
I believe there are some youtube videos out there showing how to loosen the spooling for tight tapes.