In the spirit of the season, we’re offering a 10% discount on all gift certificates for our online catalog. This means that you can get a $1000 gift certificate for $900, or a $100 one for $90, and so on. The exclusive coupon code for CCC members is ccc_gc_10. Could be a good way to save someone some dough on parts, even if you buy one for yourself! Offer expires 12/24/11.
(Please excuse the blatant advertising… at least we’re relevant!)
I just want to add that I think this kind of envolvement from a supplier is exceptional. The free stuff, and rebates, as well as the general participation are exemplary
Great Idea! How about putting together group buys? Maybe we could put together a deal on a bunch of dash pads so Don could put a little pressure on the manufacturer to start selling WCCC directly at a decent price…
My family have all agreed that this Christmas rather than buying each other stuff from big stores that we’re going to try instead to either buy each other services provided by local folks or at least if we do buy stuff it will be from small American businesses that deal primarily or exclusively in US-made products. So in a nutshell, no Chinese junk from Wal*Mart.
I asked for a gift certificate from WCCC, which is about as small and American as I can think of. Sure they’re not local, but that’s not their fault, the good old Cougars aren’t here in the rust belt, right?
This coupon is super awesome. I already forwarded the code on to my parents. Hopefully I get a nice juicy gift cert and can put a dent in the probably $2k worth of parts I’d buy if only I had the cash.
Thanks so much Don!! You guys rule, which we all already knew but it doesn’t hurt to say it one extra time.
By the way did anybody else notice that the links on WCCC that used to say for info and details and discussion go to, they now say to come here? I think that’s really great.
Gift certificates at a reduced rate! That is cool. I do want to say though that every time I have dealt with anyone from WCCC on the phone or otherwise just the way they treat people is a gift. For someone like me that needs a lot of help with the car, parts and suggestions Everyone from WCCC has been expecially helpful, Most noted: The patience Lynn has had with me on the phone is truely appreciated. Merry Christmas to all at WCCC and you can count on my continued business.
It"s good to know that there are still company’s like WCCC, that know the true meaning of Christmas in more way’s then one.
Merry Christmas to every one and their family’s at WCCC!