Accelerator Pedal Spring

This one has me baffled. Anyone know how this is supposed to work?

This is my best guess, but the spring just pops off if I put it here.

Mine had me so peeved, I just left it off…so, will be interested to see what people suggest!

Has to be held in place.
Try putting the coil on the pin that’s holding the pedal.

The pedal is broken. maybe you can cut a slot in the pedal that will better capture the end of the spring.

Like this Zman? I think it will stay put this way.

Yes, that’s what I was thinking.

I went and checked mine, and it is just like you have yours now.
Is there a snap ring that goes on there.

I don’t think there’s a snap ring. What looks like a groove in the pin is just wear from the spring. Thanks for the help!

Looks like a retainer groove to me as the grove is too perfect to be from wear. I took a look at the pedal on my 67 and though the pedal is different it is similar. See pics
I would guess that a 69 would have a washer and then a clip similar to the one used on my 67.

No, no snap ring, just the threads on the screw further up the post hold it into the rod and the spring is captive on the post from the way it sits in there.

The pedal would kind of “floppy” without the spring.