Accessing Registry

I recently had a GT-E that I used to own confirmed in the registry. Can I now access the registry to view all other previous/subsequent owners? If so, how do I do this? Thanks

Best way to access the data is by contacting Jim Pinkerton as he holds all of the registry master records.

Which GT-E did you previously own? Can you share the VIN# and any photos?

1968 XR-7 427 Grecian Gold/Black Vinyl Top…VIN# 8F93W533510

Have you contacted Jim Pinkerton? He is the GT-E register. His user name here is Cougar1

Yes…he helped me with some info about the car. I have asked him about accessing the registry a few days ago but no response.

This forum needs a popcorn eating emoji!

The short answer here is that you will not be able to access the information on the any of the CCOA registries. This is to say that the registry information is not kept in such a way that it is open to the general public to view. Certain general information is available such as how many cars were built, how many are known, perhaps what colors they are, etc. Information such as VINs and owner information is kept confidential and not published in a way that just anyone can view it. Anyone that has any question regarding a given car or just general information about the cars can send their question directly to the Registrar. The Registrar will then do their best to answer your questions within the limits of their knowledge and without giving out confidential information. I hope that this helps you. I know that if our GTE Registrar were to answer this question he would be able to say it in a more clear way that may make more sense for you but until Jim posts here perhaps this will help explain things for you.

Randy Goodling
CCOA #95

Thanks Cathouse…Jim did contact and basically explained it in the same way you did. I have most of the info I need but I am still trying to reach out to previous owners.

How about an emoji that eats people who like popcorn :laughing: