Any other hobbies? Pics welcome!

Okay, so we’re all here because of our Classic Cougars… what else interests you? I’ll start with a couple that occupy most (sometimes ALL) of my free time:

1.) My Dad started me on shooting and hunting when I was 9; starting with .22 cal rifles and progressing on to shotguns. Following in the “Family Tradition” my 12th birthday present was a .22, in my case a little Marlin semi-auto carbine. Other than “familiarization sessions” with his .357 revolver and 1911 .45ACP pistol; I spent most of my time with long guns until I was 21. Bought, shot and sold a lot of handguns until I settled upon a K-frame Smith and Wesson -which my wife promptly “took over” and told me to get myself something else! So I now have a Smith and Wesson 629 .44 Magnum. “Pin-shooting” with the 629 was fun, but somewhat “high-action”; and I started looking for something more ‘restful’ and easier on my arthritic wrists…

Meet “The Boys”:

Italian-made replicas of the Remington 1858/1863 “New Model Army”. The top one (my first black powder weapon) is in the original 7-12" barrel, and shoots POA at 15 yards with 29 grains of Hodgdon Pyrodex behind a .454" round ball, as long as I do my part. The 5-1/2" 'shortie" comes easier to hand; but I have to clear up a timing issue and generally slick up the lockwork before I can figure out a good load and adjust (with a file) the front sight so it will hit where I’m aiming.

2.)When I first moved from Yuma to Tucson for college (GO WILDCATS!); I moved in with my older brother and his wife, who were both very involved in Team Roping. Both were affirmed “Headers” (get a rope around the bovine’s head or horns) and looking for a “Heeler” (ropes the back legs). Along comes Jimmy and HE’S LEFT-HANDED; which is very beneficial for a heeler. So while my peers at the UofA (GO WILDCATS!) College of Engineering were partying on weekends; I was usually on the back of a horse throwing loops at cattle. Later on, when my wife was starting to show with our first child and we were worrying about how to support this new addition to the family, we sold “EVERYTHING HORSE”; which suddenly freed up roughly 1/3 of our income. Little did we know that, 17 years later, that first baby would come home from her job grooming show horse and shoveling stalls to announce, “Dad, I bought a horse!” :astonished: Thus began the effort to ‘buy everything back’. OBTW, like Cougar’s, horses can be addictive; and you “can’t have just one”…

Chance; -aka- “Life Moneymaker”, according to the Jockey Club Thoroughbred Registry. The horse that started it all AGAIN

My oldest, just 6 weeks after giving birth to her son, atop Chance, holding the flag of our local PRCA Rodeo (which MY MOM made back in 1975!); standing alongside is some old “Rodeo Bum” she found wandering in the arena.

Like I said, “you can’t have just one”, so…
Mr Rascal Robert; my wife’s first horse (this time around).

Rascal was 30 years old when this picture was taken in 2008. He was an extraordinary arena horse; probably been through our arena 2 or 3 or maybe 10 times as often as me; so my wife agreed to let me ride him during rodeos. In this picture, he’s carrying the same Rodeo Bum from the first picture; along with the flag of Jack Daniel’s Distillery; one of our PRCA major sponsors. We were the last to leave the arena; and he really wanted to pass everybody and just RUN!

This past May, we had to euthanize Rascal, due to his age and a vicious onslaught of Cushing’s Syndrome. My wife was heartbroken (Hell, we ALL were); so now she has adopted…

A good-natured Quarterhorse/Arab cross that needed a new home. This pic is of her first ride, wherein they were ‘figuring each other out’; learning each other’s ways and quirks. They’ve bonded, BIG TIME. We also found out that the little endurance saddle she had for Rascal was waaaaayyyyy to small for this big boy; so there goes a few more Benjamin’s for a new saddle. (Oy!)

What, you think I could hang around (and spend money on) all this equine madness without one of my own?
Dutch aka “Dawwyuri” according to The Arabian Registry

A friend of mine was moving and had to liquidate all HIS horse stuff; so I took Dutch off his hands for not much cash back in 2006. After I paid for Dutch and my friend gave me the paperwork; I looked at his papers, saw that he was an Arab, and immediately said “Carl, gimme my $500 back!” I’m glad I was only joking. Dutch has a few spooks and quirks of his own, just like every Arabian I’ve ever seen; but he’s a good horse and we seem to work together well.
When I saw his ‘official’ name on the registration, I asked Carl where he came up with the name “Dutch”. He pointed to the “official” name and said “How do you pronounce THAT?” I worked it around in my mouth and said, “You’re right - he’s Dutch!” Believe it or not, I searched through my phone, 3 computers and my Photobucket and Facebook acounts; and can’t find a picture of me on Dutch! I guess I have to find a giant mirror, but that would probably spook him :unamused:

And that’s two reason why my Cougar isn’t on the road yet. :blush: Anybody else have any hobbies that border upon obsessions?

What, NOBODY has any obsessions besides old “Sport-Luxury” cars from a now-defunct marquee?




Once upon a time I was into R/C pretty heavy…planes and a boat. Now, they collect dust, as the Cougar has top priority. Have a ton of Estes rockets from my youth(recovered from the parents attic!), that my boys now enjoy launching. No pics right off hand, but, I’ll see if I can find some.

Wait a tic…here’s one…

One of my planes out in the shop…P51 done “Reno” style…built that one in 1992…

Love to fish, work outside, and spend time with my boys.

About it from here, Ddawg.

What the…it clipped off half my pic!!!

Off topic, but man… that paint is HOT!

I collect 1/24 and 1/25 scale model cars as well as 1/18 scale Die cast. I also Sing Country and old Rock & Roll music.

Thanks, Bill…DIY, in my garage(before the shop), first time painter, so it has it’s flaws, but I ain’t pointing them out!!! Desperately in need of another rub/buff, but I’ll get to it.

Need to post up some new pics for you guys, been making “steady” progress!!!

Back on topic, why’d it cut off the back half of my pic? Any guesses? The P51 is way cool…shrug…you can come over Curbside and see the pic on my “T3’s Sooner Cat” thread…

BTW, wait till you see it in the sun!!! POP!..(not that I mean to brag(sound familiar?), cuz it still has it’s flaws!)

DesertDawg I do have my great Aunts varmet gun an original 25-35 Winchester saddle gun as well as a 357 Taurus.

Plane pics…

Previously mentioned P51…

“Ugly Stik”…built this one in '95…TONS o flights on it…

I like to ride this.

I’ve been away too long…

Nice to discover a bit more than a name! real Nice! Thanks for the idea and a very nice kick-off, DDawg

I don’t play as often anymore, but I do have a very low serial # Peavey T-40 bass, that I play on a Traynor Bassmaster YBA-1 tube amp, on 18"Celestion and 15" Jensen speakers.
I tie my own flies, played chess at a very decent level (a looong time ago) Taught winter camping, and was a canoe instructor as well as a canoe expedition guide.

I’ll have to try to hunt some pics down.


How is it in the sand? Just kidding. I’ve rented them a few times in the New Mexico Rockies and they are a blast. I was up in a mountain meadow and stopped. I started sinking in the snow, just like a down elevator. I was about 3 feet below the surface of the snow. I didn’t know what to do so I just leaned back and nailed it. Everybody said it looked like one of those flying submarines coming out of the ocean.

Still have a case of the “giggle fits” envisioning Bill launching a snowmobile out of a big drift… :laughing:

T3: Nice P51! Never got to fly one THAT big… ground-looped my control-line Cox .049 version when I was young; they tend to do that when you’re 10 and dizzy and forget you rolled it over on it’s back around revolution #47 and the gear is pointing to the sky with the rudder aimed at the grass. :confused:
And an UGLY STIIIIIIIIIKKK! :mrgreen: Yeah, I flew one of those when I finally soloed before one of the Instructors with the Yuma Aeromodelers (it was actually HIS bird). Nice plane, wish I had been flying a Telemaster, though. Do you know into how many pieces a US can be disassembled to if one over-corrects from an excessive landing flare at 3 feet? No really, do you know? Because I never could count up how many pieces there were… Good thing the kit didn’t cost that much and the Fox .40 survived! This took place not much post-9/11; I was cleared to fly “as long as { I } avoid model passenger airliners and model skyscrapers”.

I picked my TX back up again about 6-7 years ago; only flying GWS Slow-Sticks. Complete replacement flying surfaces go for about $14 last I checked; a new CF boom (instead of the old hollow aluminum tube) went for $12(?), props for $1.99 and a gearbox (sometimes the prop wins) for $5.50! Now the Nikon 4.3 mp camera was a little more expensive, but its mount was constructed of popsicle sticks and a spare Tower Hobbies house-brand servo; and we already had a new camera, so no big deal, right?
SWMBO recommended I get back in the saddle, so I did. :neutral_face:

LOL, probably about as many pieces as a Great Planes Sportster .20 goes into when trying to thread it through barbed wire fence…on knife-edge!!! Realized I was below fence level a little too late, yanked and banked, right about the same time it met the fence…sad day…sad, sad day…made for great conversation afterwards, tho…“If you’d have had ten more feet…”…Yup, and if “if’s and’s or but’s were hickory nuts, we’d all have a Merry Christmas”…

Ah, well, if you fly them long enough, you WILL crash…I’ve lost three…my first trainer, on the first flight. My second trainer on flight number…oh…150, maybe, and the Sportster on flight number ???..I think I enjoyed building them as much or more than flying them, anyway. Have another trainer waiting on the workbench for me and the boys to “get back into it”…soon as the Cougar is DONE…

My other hobby is working on my house I am living in, and the one I am renovating to move into. Here they are:

The one I am living in after a much needed face lift, before pic:

By bigredtruck at 2011-03-13

After pic:

By bigredtruck at 2011-03-13

I have since painted the whole bottom half with another coat of white. I just took that pic at the of the day.

The one I am renovating how it was when I bought it vs current day.

By bigredtruck at 2011-10-20

By bigredtruck at 2011-10-20

Most of my hobbies have revolved around Cougars or motor racing

The Cougar memorabilia includes:

  • complete set of original press ads for 67 - 73 Cougars
  • one of the original dies for 69 running cat wheel caps
  • complete set of brochures, excluding Cougar has Claws, from 67 to 95
  • magazine collection featuring Cougars from 1966 through to 1990
  • at least one of every model Cougar, except two of the large 15" tin models and original redlines (refuse to pay the ridiculous money for them) - 1/64th, 1/43rd, 1:18th - plastic, diecast and tin
  • nearly 2/3 of all plastic Cougar kits ever made

Some of the lose Cougars that will go into a wall display cabinet

All this is packed away ready for display in the room I am building in the shed

Also have a collection of 1:43 models including

  • one of each year of McLaren F1
  • over 150 American, Australian and European Classics
  • Ferrari variations from Bang and similar modelers
  • Maserati collection

This is the McLaren Collection

This is all I have on display of the 1:18th cars - after I sold most of the collection last year. I have another boxed version of each of the Cougars for display in the Cougar Collection

These are some other toys and there is also a group of WWII German pistols - broomhandle Mauser, PPK, P38 and P08. All pistols are deactivated as it has become too hard to have a real handgun without spending time in competition

Somewhere around in a box is also a collection of all the cap guns I had as a kid and memorabilia and models relating to the Westland Whirlwind fighter, including blueprints and stuff signed by the original test pilot

Man I need to get rid of a heap of crap from the last 60 years

Wait Jean, WTF?!? You play a T40 into a YBA-1?!? That sounds exactly like the dream rig of half the people on a music-themed message forum I’ve been known to frequent. I was super shocked to see the word Traynor here. Up until recently I had what was probably one of the larger vintage Traynor collections in the US. I lost the practice space I’d been in for the past 7 years, and had to sell off a good chunk of my amp collection including many Traynors (YBA-1, YBA-2B, YBA-3, YGL-3A, TS-10, YVM-6, four YSC-8’s… And more that I’m forgetting). The good news is, I used the money from selling off probably half of my music gear to pay for my Cougar. :wink:

So cool to know there’s another Traynor and Cougar enthusiast out there, that can’t be a terribly common combination.

I’ve been playing music, usually in a rock band context, since 1989. Recording since about 1990, including getting a degree in sound engineering and recording a handful of albums by other people’s bands, though mostly recording my own. Then about 8 years ago I got into doing repair and mod work on vintage tube amps, and that was one of my main “things” for those years.

Cars are new for me. I mean, I’ve been a passenger since I was a baby and a driver since I was in highschool, but having my own car that I do all the work on, or all the work I can anyway, that’s a brand new thing for me. My 4runner just came back from my mechanic (he’s a great guy) and the bill was over $700, over $500 of that was for front brake work. Ironically at the same time that was happening, I was doing front brake work on my Cougar. Maybe next time something comes up on the 4runner it’ll be something I can tackle myself. Cars are my new hobby.

Also, I’ve been programming computers since I was like 10, so, 1984 or so? Way ahead of the curve there. That’s my job, what pays the bills, and what bought all the amps that I sold and bought my Cougar with the money. Mostly everything I do is noise related, I do lots of data analysis and looking at trends and forecasting into the future. It was super exciting when I first started doing it, but over 10 years later, it’s more like a job than an adventure.

I don’t really have any other hobbies, mostly it’s just been the music thing for the past 20+ years.

Oh and Jean don’t worry, I still have both of my YBA-3A’s, a YBA-1 and YBA-1A and YBA-3 all from the 60’s, a blueline '69 SVT, '69 Super Bass, '77 Super Lead, and 5 or 10 other amps. I only sold off about half of my collection. :slight_smile: And I’m still a Traynor nut for sure. Pete Traynor was a genius and his work is very underappreciated, especially here in the US I assume he’s better known in Canada.

This keeps me from my Cougar in the winter.

Wow…nice view.

Okay, Leon… I gotta admit, your BP collection makes my litle pile of Italian Remington NMA replicas look like grade school! :drool:

Nice engraving on the bottom two '73s in the first pic; but what is the engraving on the 1st Model Dragoon in the second? And is that an 1860 Army below the Dragoon? Looks too “sleek”, almost like a '61.

(3rd pic autoloaders, ho-hum. Kinda like the Ford Taurus of the gun world - except for maybe the MK IV… thats beauty and brawn in one package right there!)

4th pic… I’m not sure. Obviously top-breaks… Webley’s or early S&W? And when was one made in a bras frame? I’d almost call out an imginative salesman from Brescia.

5th pic, I’d love to hear the story on the shorty’s… top one could be a '49 Colt pocket pistol, but it’s still to short in the barrel. Below that, “Honey I shrunk the COLT!” As for the heavily engraved '51 Navy’s, Beautiful!

So, uhhh… don’t be offended or anything but… how many are original and how many camefrom the “land of red wine and pasta”?