April Meeting - Saturday, April 5

Our next meeting is this Saturday April 5th at 11:30 am at
Chili’s - Cypress
10643 Valley View, Cypress CA 90630 Phone Number714) 229-0478
Yes back by popular demand…
This weekend the weather will be clear, sunny and beautiful .
So roll out in your Cougar or Mercury and come on down.

April 27th is Fabulous Fords Forever. Hope you have reserved your spot…Yes we need help in the club booth.

We are starting the planning for our October show … We NEED raffle prizes… ANYTHING!!! We need the club’s support
on the Raffle… Seriously. If you all could take some time to help…

Annual membership dues are due… the club appreciates your past support and looks foward to your 2014 support.

Hope to see you all at the meeting

where can I get more info about the club as Im a newbie to Cougar community

Go here: http://socalcougarclub.com/

Parts of the website are out of date but our web guy has promised to work on making it more current.