At the Buffalo Pierce Arrow Museum

It’s a '67 Cougar. Anyone seen it?

67 Cougar Buffalo Museum

Have not seen this specific car but the museum is amazing. I grew up in Buffalo and was there for the 100th anniversary of Pierce Arrow. They had 100 PA there including a Silver Arrow. Spectacular. Are those FR-70 tires?

I was there in 1977 for the 100th anniversary of the founding of PA. Same event?

Ah. I may be mistaken. It might have been the 125th. They started car production in 1901, so perhaps it was 2001 for the 100th Anniversary of their cars. There were 100 cars there.

When I got to the meet in 1977 the big news was that the keynote speaker, who was Bill Harrah, had a heart attack and died the day before. Harrah had sent his mechanics with a semi filled with three early Pierce products.

As it turned out they had Austin Clark take his place as keynote speaker. Austin was great.

Looks like a good spot to visit. Never seen the 67 before … looks like they’ve got a few other gems in there too.

Is this the place where they have the Frank Lloyd Wright gas station? I remember seeing that on “Chasing Classic Cars.”

Yes they show that on the link I posted.