CAFE Standards eliminated ?

As a car person this got my interest! I Just heard one of our presidential candidate promise today to eliminate CAFE standards so Americans can buy the cars they want. He also promised to make America oil independent and by doing so bring gas prices down to the $2.00-$2.50 range within 3 years. that candidat is Newt Gingrich . Hear it in his own words :

I try and stay out of politics on the Internet (or anywhere for that matter). As nice as his concept sounds, he has no chance of winning the Presidency. Though that might be bad for us vintage car owners, it’s good for the US and the world. I hope we don’t ever see such a hateful man elected to the Presidency.

Did you by chance also see if his nose was growing while he said this? Pie in the sky politics!!

Lol, so true, that’s the other thing. A politician can say anything to try and get votes and then not follow through. That’s in addition to him not having a chance.

I really don’t envy people in California who have to actually run all the emissions/smog components in old cars. But hey, that’s the trade-off for the nice weather and, er, earthquakes?

When I left California two years ago, emissions were only tested back to 1974 -ish.

…Someone drank the coolaid… :buck:

He’s a career politician so look at his track record before drinking any more of his coolaid, then make a very informed decision. (I lean heavily toward the Republican side so don’t shoot me for not being behind Newt)

I remember when I built my 75, and I mean built, florida started with the emissions testing, couldnt get that thing to pass for anything. The start year of course was 75 so I bought a beat up 71 vert and threw all the powertrain in that. Now they don’t do anything, emissions, safety, nothing. Course doesnt really matter to me with my 73 now :smoke:

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As of April 1, 2005, the 30 year rolling exemption was repealed. 1976 and newer vehicles are now required to have smog check inspections for biennial registration renewals, change of ownership transactions and initial registration in California.

Vehicles being initially registered in California that were previously registered in another state are exempt from the biennial smog check inspection requirements if the vehicle is a 1975 or older model. All 1976 to current year vehicles are required to obtain a smog check certificate of compliance prior to initial registration in California.

I just have to through my two cents in. A President can’t do everything they say to get elected. There now I need my ninety eight cents in change, please.

Do you think Air Force One gets a smog check when in passes over California on the way to Hawaii? :laughing:

Nope. The military’s aircraft aren’t obligated to conform to the noise or pollution standards that private/corporate/commercial aircraft are required to conform to. And they fly supersonic at high altitudes, which last I heard is super bad for the ozone layer. :wink:

Uh-oh. Somebody better call Al Gore.

The problem is politicians say whatever they have to with no intention of even trying to follow through. Then if they do get elected, they do whatever is popular rather than what’s best just to help them get reelected. Our system is broken and the only people I see stepping up to try and fix it will never get elected.

I’m with you on that one Al. Well said. If the candidate is good the media will rush to find something to tear them down. It’s all about ratings and making money.

Al Gore invented the Internet ( :poke: ) so he probably has some sort of “green Eco boost” type of jet. No carbon footprint there. :laughing:

Our problem is that there is a gap between the ideal candidate and the electable candidate. Newt’s CAFE plan is a case of the old “you cannot have your cake and eat it too”.

All I hear out of the politicians is blah, blah, blah…

Say what you will, But isn’t worth taking the chance ! If you check Newts Record from when he was speaker he either got passed or brought to a vote everything in his contract with America !

I didn’t watch the video, so sorry if I’m asking something already answered… What vehicles are we not able to purchase in America because of the CAFE standards?

$2 gasoline?! Pffft. I think one of my Minnesota representatives was offering it for a buck fitty (looking at you, Michele B.)

Yes Don! :thumbup:

More on his plans for drilling and getting rid of CAFE.