Car Misrepresentation...A Cautionary Tale.

Maybe a little homework and He would never of attempted.

Wow…pretty bold, though not overly bright.

Crooks usually aren’t.

It’s nice that he got a step by step, how-to-build-fake-chevy guide to assist him with his next project/scam. Wouldn’t it have been better to simply warn everyone it was a fake and leave the details as to what he got wrong unsaid?

I had that thought as well, but the registrar up to a point was under the assumption the seller was duped into buying it misrepresented…the cat came out of the bag when the registrar contacted the prior owner…“never said it was a Z16”, or something along those lines…

A cautionary tale for potential buyers, but not scammers. The seller received two years’ probation and even gets to keep the car. Basically no punishment for what could have been a $100K theft had he gotten away with it.

Good ole’ greed.

The thing to worry about nowadays is that the duped person will find you and take matters into their own hands. Lots of people cashed out their 401k and other savings plans when the market tanked and went around buying musclecars with that money so it would be parked in a sort of “blue chip” item.

100 grand is enough to get you killed.

There are always people out there trying to make a quick buck. Usually someone gets screwed by a low life thief. Buyer beware.