Carlisle All Ford 2024 this weekend!

Just a reminder…Carlisle All Ford is this weekend in where-else but Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Groups arrive Thursday and Friday.
The Cougar group traveling from New England meets at Redline Diner in Fishkill, NY at 11am on Thursday May 30th. From there we travel to Carlisle.

Hope to see ya there!


Heading up Thursday Mark - really looking forward to seeing everyone.

  • Phillip

Please, someone, take a video of the Cougar section for those of us that can’t make it this year!


I was on the fence about bringing my camera. Now, that someone is asking for video, I guess I should!
If you haven’t seen my 2022 video of Cougars in Carlisle take a look…


Knock on wood: it looks to be good weather in Carlisle!!! Please emphasize “knock on wood”.

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I’ve watched your video a couple of times! I appreciate the time you put into making it. I’m hoping to make it in 2025.

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I’ve been going to Carlisle since the mid '80s. I don’t think we have ever had weather this perfect. I believe they may have set a new attendance record.

Photos and videos here:

  • Phillip
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Great weather, really good turnout of Cougars this year, including some nice 71-73s. I think the show set the all time car count record for any Carlisle event. A lot of Mustangs, but it’s the 60th anniversary year so that’s to be expected.

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Here are some of the pics I took.

A few more.

What a great show - it is so nice getting together with everyone.

  • Phillip

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Our Saturday cook-out:

Redline Diner meeting point:

Hotel Parking lot: