With 2016 off to a great start, I am beginning to see a lot of local cougar clubs outside of the Midwest postings events/meetings. I was wondering how many members on this CCC forum are from the Midwest (ie. IL, IA, WI, IN) and would anyone be interested in a local/chapter meeting or starting a new club?
Would love to see more activity locally and, potentially, help get a local club of the ground. I am thinking ‘Midwest Classic Cougar Club’.
Thoughts? New friends in the area? I know it is 3 degrees F today, but I am itching for warmer weather and I want to get the cat out of the garage to meet other Cougar enthusiasts.
I think our secret has got out about our cars. I attend many local cruises and shows in my area during the summer and I am seeing more new/old Cougars than in years past. There were 6 at the Hagerty Drive-In event last summer! I always make it a point to introduce myself and find out about their cars and history. I also ask them if they know about these forums and I’d say more than half do not. Anyway it would be great to have something closer than the east or west coast for us Midwesterners to show our cars together. So I’d be interested.
I agree Mike. From speaking at local car shows, I have only run into a handful of owners as well and sure enough, most don’t know about the forum, but I just know there are more owners locally. I might need to do some more investigating. I wonder if the IMOA could give us some assistance in networking across the Midwest with Cougar owners.
I think that it was around 2000, when there was a CCOA Nationals in Lincolnshire. What happened to all of those Cougar owners who put that show together?
I talked with the guy that use to head up the Cougar club in Chicago a few years ago at John’s anniversary party ( he had a yellow Eliminator). They broke up the club after the Lincolnshire show over a dispute with the CCOA at that time. I have had a few inquires from people from the Chicago area to join in the C.A.T.S club. Which is welcomed especially as we get the club back to more active again. We have had some Cougars from the Chicago area travel to the MI shows. You are all welcome to join C.A.T.S and we could always expand the boundaries to include the Chicago area.
Having a club just with the Chicago Cougars would be good as well. Send me an e-mail (letsridebc@yahoo.com)if you’re interested in joining C.A.T.S. (Cougar Association of the Tri States) covers Michigan, Northern Indiana and Northern Ohio. We should have a web site or a Facebook page up soon.
The map is under “quick links” just under the ride of the month picture. Don’t know if there is a map on other sites.
I’m not aware of any other cougar owners in my area. The only cougar I’ve seen around here in years is one I ran across at a local restoration shop, and it belongs to someone up in the suburbs. Some pictures of it show up on their website under “in progress”
Thanks G Dub, I did find it and posted my location. I was not on there and made me think that others are not as well. In fact I could tell several others in Michigan are not posted. So we can’t judge the reality of who is around us.
I’m with you G Dub, not on Facebook either. I’ve resisted because of all the negative aspects you hear about. But if I ever had a good reason to join this would be it!
As long as we can view the updates without logging in then I might still hold out.
In this day and age a Facebook page is the easiest and fastest way to communicate for a car club. Right now we are revising/updating the membership form for CATS. Once that is done I’ll post an update. Later, down the road we want to get a web site up.
Hey Kyle67 - Do check out http://www.catsccc.com Our Cougar Club is exclusive for IL, IN, OH and MI. classic Cougar owners/enthusiasts. We would love to have you join. We hope to also have more Central IL gatherings in the future, so having a Peoria presence would be a great and welcomed addition.
Hi G Dub. Check out http://www.catsccc.com and let me know if you have any questions. We are working hard to extend out reach into Central IL and we would like to see more Cougar owners become members so we can host more events throughout Illinois. Thanks!
Saw this earlier quote from me, I am on Facebook now, but it took the birth of my first grandchild to get me to do it so we could get easy updates. That said I now follow the CATS, CCOA and several other Cougar pages and have limited my contacts/friends.
IMHO there is a lot of crap on it that one has to page through to get to what you want to see sometimes.