Cougar Defroster/ Shoulder harness

Hi, I’m new to the forum and was looking for a place to ask some questions about a cougar im looking to buy. When we first took it for a spin(it was raining) the glass started to fog up and my dad and I couldn’t seem to find the defroster switch. I was just wondering if you guys could give us a hint about where it could be located. By the way this is 1967 xr-7, I guess butternut yellowish with a black vinyl top. 2nd question. I was also wondering where I could find a 1967 shoulder harness for this car. It only has lap belts so I guess at some point they were taken off. Could we use Mustang harness for it or would that not work.


Heater and defrost controls are located near the bottom of the dash on the left side of the driver. Sholder harneses were an option. most 67s did not have them.

Thanks but the defroster switch is not labeled defroster, just fan,air and heat. Would that mean fan would be defrost.

Based on your description, you have an A/C car. The three sliding switches are labled air, temp & fan. If you look to the left of the sliding switches, you’ll see four labels on the switch housing. From top to bottom they are Fresh, Off, Heat and Defrost. Move the air switch down to the lowest setting and use the temp switch to set the desired temp and the fan switch to control the blower speed.

Hope this pic helps a little. Defrost is left most control and all the way to the bottom.

Shoulder harnesses were not available in the 1967 model year. They became optional at the beginning of the 1968 model year. They were mandatory on Cougars built after January 1, 1968. Rear seat shoulder harnesses were optional on 1968 Cougars built between July 4, 1967 and January 1, 1968 when that option was cancelled.

The defroster in your car depends upon a functioning vacuum system. The defroster often will not work if there is any sort of small leak. For example if one of the headlamp door motors leaks then the defroster won’t work.

Front seat shoulder harness were available in '67 as an option for $27.06. You also had to order Deluxe Front and Rear Seat Belts, it you had a standard Cougar. Deluxe belts came standard on the XR7 so you just had to order the shoulder belts.

If you are new to old cars and are looking for a defrost switch for the rear window, these cars were not equipped with the typical “current car” rear defrost wires painted on the glass. There was, however, an optional rear defroster that consisted of a blower, motor and grille mounted in the package tray.

Hi there,

sorry that I have to bring up this old topic again, but I have a stupid question that does not deserve a new one:
When I’m driving my newly acquired non AC 68 XR7 there is always hot air blowing down on my feet as soon as the engine is warm. I moved the heat/temp/def controls around and tried every possible combination and my thermostat is pretty new as well, but after about one hour I always feel totally fried. Maybe I’m just imagined it, but it drives me crazy. So: To change the temperature, should I move the controls up or down? And does it even make a difference without AC? She’s my first really “classic” car so I have no comparisons.

Best regards

To set the temperature for its coolest, that would be sliding the middle slider all the way to the top.

There is a good chance one or more of the heating control sliders aren’t doing anything anymore, with the cables they control maybe having come disconnected or even having broken.

A bit of a solution, or at least a step in the right direction, is to open the vent that’s down under the dash. There is a round knob that looks maybe slightly like an old cigarette lighter, under the dash a little left of the steering column. if you pull that knob and the whole cable assembly moves around, then just hold the cable’s outer jacket with one hand and pull out on the knob with the other. That will open the vent, so anytime you’re driving it will blow fresh air on your legs from outside.

I’m assuming you’ve been keeping the fan speed selector at the far left, so it doesn’t blow the hot air on you once the engine warms up, right?

Thx for your quick reply,

I think I did. Don’t remember if it was left or right, but it definitely got less unbearable once I moved it to the other side.
I’ll try the knob things until I can get my hands on some cables. The wiring generally seems to be the only bigger issue, nothing apart from the tail and headlights seems to work. But that’s someting for a different topic I’ll open soon;)