Craftsman timing light / rpm/dwell

Thoughts on the digital timing light/rpm/dwell units from Craftsman? They decent? Or do folks generally stick to the oldschool non-digital gun, and a separate oldschool meter for rpm and dwell?

I picked one up today, timing and rpm only, no dwell, model 14066. There’s a big discrepancy between its rpm reading and that of the factory tach. I wonder which one is right. My gut would say the brand new digital one, as opposed to a 43 year old factory tach that could easily be out of spec, but after setting my idle comparing both and sort of averaging them, I feel like I’d be happier with the idle if I used just the dashboard tach. I’m going to start a thread specific to that though, and leave this one to be just discussion/opinions of the craftsman unit, of anyone has anything good or bad to say about it.

Check out the Eqqus digital timing/tach/dwell
I have one and can recommend it highly.

That’s the other one I was looking into. How closely do the rpm readings from the Equus unit match those of your dash tach, out of curiosity?

I don’t have a factory tach, standard models came with warning lights in the LH instrument “pod”.

Ooooh, sounds like you are a prime candidate for a RCCI mini-tach!

I have a voltmeter in the -blank- location, Autometer tach mounted on the column.
The mini tach is a nice piece though!

Ahhh, way cool!

Bob- I tried, do I still get my cut?? LOL.

But Art you have an aftermarket tach then? How does the Equus compare with that? Close? Far?

Your cut of zero? I don’t think Bob will have a problem with that.

I KNEW I should have read the fine print more thoroughly…



I got the next model down ( The first one came with a faulty pickup, which prevented the tach and advance dial from working properly. The second one works great. Thank you Amazon for free return shipping.

I’ve never compared the two.