Davey Jones

wow, maybe it is true. when a friend of mine told me that Davey Jones died I thought it was a joke, but then I saw her face, now I’m a believer… :bloated:


But I am left wondering, could there be a trace of doubt in your mind?

Ha! Jones didn’t even sing that one, it was Dolenz!! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll miss David Jones - I saw the Monkees live in concert in Tulsa back in 1967. I saw and took a photo of the Monkee Mobile at the 2008 Barrett Jackson auction, it was built from a GTO by Dean Jeffries or George Barris for the TV show. The Monkee Mobile sold for approx. 500k at that auction. The guys were just clean fun and entertainment, not much of that available for kids these days. R.I.P.

The Monkees launched the career of so many people. Carol King and Neil Diamond where just two of the songwriters who worked on that project

RIP Davey

The other day I was just monkeyin’ around like THE MONKEES and thought I would take the LAST TRAIN TO CLARKSVILLE, since you know I JUST WANT TO BE FREE, because I’M A BELIEVER, and can tell that I’M NOT YOUR STEPPING STONE. I think it was because it was A LITTLE BIT ME AND A LITTLE BIT YOU but mostly due to me being a DAYDREAM BELIEVER. So maybe me and my friends VALLERI and DW WASHBURN will head on down to PLEASANT VALLEY, SUNDAY.

Yep, lots of great players on Monkees records including Neil Young, Billy Preston (the 5th Beatle), Ry Cooder, Glen Campbell, Harry Nilsson, James Burton, Buddy Miles, Stephen Stills…

They were one of the first bands to use a synthesizer, and also a banjo within the context of rock song (Peter Tork) and thanks in large part to Tork and Michael Nesmith the Monkees were one of the originators of “country rock”.

Spent many hours in my youth playing with the Corgi Monkee Mobile and watching their TV show on it’s original run.

Very sad.