From Mike Brown:
Chillis …December 6th @ 11:30AM10643 Valley View, Cypress CA 90630 Phone Number714) 229-0478
This weekend the weather will be clear, cool, and beautiful.
So roll out in your Cougar or Mercury and come on down.
Since the show was cancelled, we have some raffle prizes that we will be raffle off at the meeting.
Anyone that shows up to the meeting will be given raffle ticket for FREE to participate. Anyone that show up in a Cougar or Comet will get 2 extra Tickets…
Offer still stands Anyone that has not been to a meeting in a YEAR and show up this Saturday, I will buy your lunch !!!
The So.Cal Galaxie Club has ask us to co-Host their show with them for next year. We will be reviewing that and also our own show in October.
Nominations for next year Club Officers will be held.
Here is a link to the membership Renewal Form:
Once again, the club appreciates your past support and hope you continue to support the club.
Hope to see you all at the meeting.