Difference in console trim on '69 Eliminators

I was looking at some pictures of different '69 Eliminators and was noticing that alot of them had wood grain trim on the center console. Mine has the camera case trim. Why would there be a difference?

Eliminators would have the camera case not the wood.
Randy F

You mean this woodgrain? That’s the way mine was originally and is now.

Is there a difference in the console (woodgrain vs camera case) for standard interior vs decor interior?

Pretty sure that the camera case finish was installed in Mustangs. Cougars should have one of the two different woodgrain styles.

1969 Eliminators would have had a woodgrain that matched the decor door panel insert.

Decor woodgrain is consistent with what I found when I looked into this for purposes of adding a “correct” console to my '69 Eliminator back in the early Eighties.

The related question I never got a satisfactory answer to was the proper type of storage compartment lid in '69. Both the “flat” and “three-hump” styles were encountered in supposedly original cars. No rhyme or reason that I could ever determine. I went with the “three hump” style because it seemed to be a little more common in my sample, and I like it better. The picture Harry provided appears to show a “flat” lid though, so if that’s how his car came originally, I wouldn’t be surprised.

My 70 Eliminator has a standard interior and has a camera case on the console. So I would say the the wood grain comes with the decore interior.
Randy F

I actually replaced the lid with the 3-hump style since that’s what I remember it had originally. PO must have installed the flat one.

My as-yet unrestored '70 Eliminator with decore interior has the woodgrain insert, so it appears there were two styles used in the '70 model year.


It’s starting to sound like something else ford did with no rhyme or reason. :wall:

It appears to me that cars with decore interior (all '69 Eliminators) were intended to get a woodgrain insert and (most likely) a “three hump” lid.
For '70, camera case and flat lids in Eliminators with standard interior, woodgrain and padded lids for cars with the optional decore group.

Exceptions wouldn’t surprise me, since they obviously weren’t going to halt the production line because they were short on one sort of console or another. And of course mistakes could have been made, as well. But unless documentation showing otherwise appears, I’d say the above is a pretty good rule of thumb.

As far as I know, all 1969 Cougars came with the 3 hump console lid when consoles were installed.

In 1970 standard Cougars received the flat console lid, and the XR7 models got the 3 humper.

1969 and 1970 Ford Mustangs got flat console lids, except for the Shelby Mustangs, which got 3 humpers.

Whoa!!! Settle down there, cowboy!!! :smiley:

I used to date a girl whose nickname was 3 humper.

I know this girl, she lives up the hill…
She won’t do it, but her sister will …

Top, ZZ that is…


The only Mustangs that received the ribbed Console Pad were Shelbys.

I have had quite a few 69 Cougar Standard Interiors with the Flat Console Pad.

The Standard Mustang Camera Case Console Trim was not the same as Eliminator as far as I know. the Eliminator Camera Case Trim used the Decor Style raised Panel on top of the trim panel itself with the Chrome sides and a Camera Case Applique. Just like the Wood Grain Decor Trim.

Both our 69 eliminators have consoles without the wood isert and have ribbed lids. April and May cars. The one build sheet we have has a “X” in the box for console. Does the “X” signify a type of console or that the car recieves a console?

I own an “S” code Eliminator, and through the last ten years have seen dozens more “supossedly” originals, as well as several rodstored examples…
AS far as I can tell, the words “always” and “never” were just not in the dictionary until 1972.

If a car went down the line during those days, and something differant has to be placed within the car to complete the build to send the car out the door as sold, it happened.

Eliminators were not supposed to have wheel moldings, yet a great picture of one exists…
Eliminators were not supposed to be available in Lime Green, the feature was in Hemmings Muscle Machines Mag…about two or three years ago.

A couple of things are for certain… (1) stuff happens (2) stuff will always make 1/2 happy, and 1/2 mad…

My advise is to simply have fun with it.