Do you like Beer? Tune in to DHN

Don’t know for sure how I feel about this. But, the local hangout is getting national attention. Tune into the History channel on Tuesday July 29 at 9:00 for the premiuer of Dark Horse Nation. HISTORY
They film this about a year ago and they have been sworn to secerticy. So, I don’t know how the show format will be. I don’t know Aaron very well or his dad wacky other then he use to own a couple of the local party stores (Wacky Willy’s). Good friends with
John “Cabe” Churchill… AKA “Mad Johnny”, “L’il Johnny Dirthill”, “Cabey-Wabey”, “Der Reverand of Love Unions”, and we use to work together. He can out drink me by about 6 to 1 :beerchug: Know Chappy as well. We rode bikes together a few times and his wife family owns a local horse farm my daughter use to go to and ride horses. Real good friends with Tan dog that did the logo for Dark Horse (don’t think he is in the show). Don’t know Wiggs, but he comes up with some really good brews. Headed there for lunch in a couple of hours :thumbup:

Watched a few episodes.
Not sure I would like pancake or bacon beer.
Tell Cabe to put on some safety glasses when running the drill press.
Good thing he got Helga fixed.
Wife wants a tee shirt.

Maybe watch the go cart episode tonight.

I’ve had the Rogue Brewery Voodoo Donut maple bacon beer. Man, if ever there was a beer made to go with breakfast, this is the one!

They are not to concerned with saftey at the Horse as you can tell. My girlfriends daughter was at the 4 Elf and said the pancake beer was really good. The bacon beer…well she said it was bad. The beer that Wiggs made to beat Aron (Homo Sapien Cherry Tripel Ale ) is awsome! Hope they brew it again. Have to do some arm twisting on Cabe to get them to make it again.

The DHN crew that rides motorcycles together headed out this moring on a long ride around the MI U.P which they named “the bear Jew ride”. Don’t know if the history channel is filming it. I’ll ask when they get back.

Picture of the Dark Horse and Speedshifter gang on their Bear Jew ride in the U.P.