Door Hinge Adjustment

Sanp-On made two curved wrenches that were for adjusting the door hinges. The S9606 and the S9608B. Don Rush (WCCC) shows the second one on his website. Has anyone successfully used the S9606 wrench? There are a lot more of them for sale at lower prices than the S9608B. It appears that the major differences are in length and how much curvature there is in the wrench. Any advise would be appreciated.

Here are pictures of the two wrenches.


I think a better question would be if either one will work on a Cougar? I don’t see how they could but maybe Don knows? It takes me about 20 minutes to remove a fender without scratching anything. About 1 hour to reinstall the fender. So the whole operation including adjusting the door is around two hours. I can’t justify the cost of the wrench.

I don’t usually try to justify buying a tool, I just buy them. One of my weaknesses.

Unfortunately I can’t answer the question if the other one will work. I suspect it won’t.

I had luck with a Rachet box wrench and 1/4” drive socket with universal joint and extension
Use blue tape where the tools may hit and with a bit of caution is works well.

To rockyrivermark:

Thanks for the tip on the 1/4 inch sockets. I will give that a try and see how it works. It appears that most of the bolts are actually not too bad to get to and the universal joint might work for me for the other ones. I do not want to spend a $100+ on a wrench I might use a couple of times. My paint is not in good shape so I can skip the blue tape. I have adjusted them by removing the fenders but that was a lot of work that I want to avoid.