Door window removal on a 73 - need help please

How in the heck??? - Trying to remove the door window on a 73 I am working on. The shop manual says to take off 3 nuts holding the glass to the lift bracket. Where I am expecting to find standard nuts, there are these round things attaching the glass. I am stuck and cannot get anything to hold onto these round “nuts”. Anybody else ever come across this? Am I missing something? Appreciate any insight. Thanks

I don’t know anything about 73 Cougars, but that looks like pop rivets that they use in modern cars.

Those pop rivets are easy to remove. Simply punch out the middle stem with a 3/32" punch and a hammer. Then drill off the head of the rivet with a cordless drill and appropriate sized drill bit.

Looks like 1/4”rivots. I’ve come across those before. There should be a plastic, nylon insulator that protects the glass but may have deteriorated over the years. I would grind the rivot flat before attempting to drive out the nail and drilling the rest. Hopefully it’s an aluminum rivot and not steel. That’s always scary when they rivot the glass in. It can get ugly real fast. If you nick the glass, you’ll know.

Appreciate the responses above. Yes, they were rivets. I was able to get them out using a combination of the methods suggested. Thank you!