Is it broken. Mine seems to be stuck on 1968? When I go to “start over” it loads 1968 and there is no drop down for different years. Ive tried 3 separate browsers.
No go for me.
Something is wrong.
Maybe all they have left is 68’s.
I think that is the only one they have gotten done.
When Bill loaded the 1968 information I believe he stated that he was in need of blank sticker for the 1967 so he could generate the proper information.
Yep, the enthusiasm for this is so lacking that I can’t even get a blank sticker. I need '67, '69 and '70.
Are you looking for blank 67, 69, 70, etc., window stickers?
Is that something Kevin Marti can help with?
Can one that is not blank be made into a blank one?
Kevin won’t provide the blanks. He used to do so but Ford asked him to stop. Jay emailed me that he has the '67 and it looks good so take that one from the list. Before Kevin Marti was producing these there were others that apparently had access to blanks and were making reproduction window stickers. Ideally we would like to have one of those blanks. I was able to buy the 71 72 and 73 blanks on eBay. When we have looked at originals the condition usually renders them unusable. Most did not survive removal from the window intact. Maybe a really good photo shop person could clean one up, but we lack that resource.
In general, I try to prioritize spending the most time and effort on things that people want and use. If this is something that we need to work on then it is possible, but it is also a very very big effort in terms of time.
Thanks for the clarification Bill. I have a Marti Window Sticker for Heather’s convertible that I could send you if it will help in some way.
Bill thanks for the update and all that you do for the Classic Cougar Community.
A high resolution scan of a Marti produced version of the '69 and '70 would be a good starting place. We would need to remove the type and so on to make it work. Any photoshop pros want to take a shot at it?
I just remembered that Heather’s convertible was originally sold here in Canada, so the window sticker will be the Ford of Canada version.
I can still send it if you want, but you will also need a US version for the majority of users here.
Since I don’t have Ford of Canada prices I would prefer to go with the US version, thanks anyway!
Absolutely understandable.
Just like everything else up this way, think more expensive.
You are worth it!